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Government Draghi, Conte and Pd push the 5 Stars to yes. Berlusconi also opens- Corriere.it

The first day of the consultations by Mario Draghi, which began with the minor parties and which will end tomorrow with the Five Stars and the League, is also the day of multiple openings to a government led by the former president of the ECB. Both Luigi Di Maio, who calls his party to responsibility and unity, and Giuseppe Conte who says he works only for the good of the country, speak. Silvio Berlusconi openly supports Mattarella’s choice and essentially ensures that he will have the support of Forza Italia. In short, the contours of what could be an “Ursula majority” are outlined, along the lines of the pattern that the current president of the EU Commission voted in Brussels, the previous majority plus the Azzurri.

Ore 12:30

Two declarations almost simultaneously give a boost to the Draghi government. Luigi Di Maio invites his Movement to “maturity”, he claims to be the first force in Parliament, he tells his party colleagues that “in the institutional respect that comes first of all, we have the duty to listen and then decide”. It is an invitation to unity and together a wish for Draghi’s support, which immediately after is repeated by Silvio Berlusconi: “The choice of the President of the Republic to give Mario Draghi the task of forming the new government goes in the direction we have indicated: that of a high-profile institutional personality around whom we can try to achieve the substantial unity of the best energies in the country “. Berlusconi says he will continue the confrontation with other center-right leaders to “preserve an essential alliance”, but from the calendar we learn that the center-right will not be united to consultations, as Salvini had wished. Berlusconi himself will lead the Forza Italia team.

Ore 13:30

Giuseppe Conte shows up in piazza Colonna in front of reporters to thank Mario Draghi and the head of state and to argue that he too is working for the good of the country. The resigning Prime Minister, and it was not taken for granted, denies being among the “saboteurs” of the government: “I will work for the good of the country, I am not an obstacle to the formation” of the executive. However, Conte asks, like Di Maio, an executive of political caliber, because political choices “cannot be entrusted to teams of technicians”. The two camps that are forming within the Five Star Movement are now clear, to which Conte sends a clear message (“I am here and I will be there”): the one available at start negotiations for the new executive and that of those who return to the founding values ​​of the Movement, unwilling to make further compromises with other parties. But also the position of the League seems to be in flux.

Ore 16

At Montecitorio Mario Draghi’s consultations have begun for about half an hour. The first to cross the entrance to the Queen’s Room they are the components of Action and + Europe, followed by the Democratic Center of Bruno Tabacci, the group of Italians abroad, the linguistic minorities and the deputies of Noi con Italia, the centrist Maurizio Lupi cartel.

Ore 16:30

Beppe Grillo opens in the wake of Di Maio’s stance, but also sets stakes. The Draghi executive will have to defend “all the measures taken home by the Conte government, such as citizenship income, the dignity decree and anti-corruption rules” and then focus “on universal income, a property tax for the super-rich, public water , blue economy, digitalization, conflict of interest and public banking ». The opposite of what the League claims: “We discuss ideas, then when we choose, the League moves as one man,” adds Salvini. But Draghi “will have to choose between us and Grillo”.

Ore 17:43

Giorgetti: “If the Draghi government is a photocopy of the previous one, we will not stay there”. And again: «I in the totoministri? But if I have never even won at the football pools ».

Ore 19:31

Renzi: «I minister? No, I’m not in the game ». A second round of consultations is planned. “A Draghi government can finish the term,” Nicola Zingaretti says in the evening.

February 4, 2021 (change February 4, 2021 | 23:02)


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