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Government Defies High Court Order, Refuses to Reinstate Nurse PB Anitha – Kerala News, Malayalam News | Manorama Online | Manorama News

Government Defies High Court Order, Refuses to Reinstate Nurse PB Anitha – Kerala News, Malayalam News | Manorama Online | Manorama News

Revenge against nurse: Government did not relent despite High Court order – Kozhikode Medical College authorities did not reinstate senior nursing officer PB Anitha -Kerala News, Malayalam News | Manorama Online | Manorama News Revenge against nurse: Govt insists on defeat despite High Court orders

Manorama writer

Published: April 05 , 2024 03:50 AM IST

1 minute Read

  • The nurse who supported the abused woman has no appointment for the fourth day

  • Government moves to appeal in High Court

In search of justice…P.B. Anitha is protesting in front of Govt.Medical College office in Kozhikode. Picture Manorama

Kozhikode ∙ Despite the High Court’s order to reinstate senior nursing officer PB Anitha of Kozhikode Medical College, the medical college authorities did not implement it even on the fourth day. Anita was transferred to Idukki for taking a stand in favor of a young woman who was sexually assaulted in the medical college ICU. Meanwhile, the government is also planning to approach the High Court to review the order.

The High Court ordered that Anita be readmitted to Kozhikode Medical College on April 1. Anita has been coming with this for 4 days but has not been admitted to work. Director of Medical Education (DME) Kozhikode Principal In-Charge Dr. Sujith Srinivasan has informed that only if the state government issues an order on the basis of the High Court order, he can be admitted to work and he cannot issue an order on his own.

On March 18, 2023, the employee raped the young woman in the ICU of the Medical College while she was in a semi-conscious state after surgery. Anita reported the incident to the authorities where 6 female employees threatened the woman who filed the complaint to change her statement. Then 6 people were suspended. Anita, the chief nursing officer and the nursing superintendent, who confirmed the threat before the special investigation committee and the police, were transferred. All but Anita got a stay from the Administrative Tribunal and they went back to work. The government argued that Kozhikode was not available to appoint Anita. Another was posted to Kozhikode by then. Then the High Court was approached. The court acquitted Anita and directed that these matters should not be recorded in the service record. The union leader had threatened Anita for writing the names of 5 employees. Anita complained to the principal about this but no action was taken.

PB tried to contact the health minister to raise Anita’s issue but could not be reached on phone. It was only when the Principal Secretary of Health was called that the government came to know about the strange stance of trying to review the verdict. Standing on the side of justice has turned out to be a huge mistake for Anita.

English Summary:

Kozhikode Medical College authorities did not reinstate senior nursing officer PB Anitha

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2024-04-04 18:59:00
#Revenge #nurse #government #insists #defeat #high #court

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