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Government, Conte and Renzi try to mend: truce signals (until the next clash)

There has not been and there will be no clarification. Conte and Renzi will continue to detest each other, not even too cordially, but will remain together with the government. We will go on with Conte bis supported by the Democratic Party, the M5S, Leu and, with varying intensity, also by Italia Viva. Continue browsing on sight, until the next (inevitable) rock. “The prescription incident is closed,” the minister of culture and chief delegation of the Nazarene, Dario Franceschini, confided to his colleagues in the Democratic Party.

The problem for the alliance Giallorossi is that nothing has changed, the relationship between the duelists remains bad and nobody deludes themselves that they can improve. Renzi can’t stand that Italy alive is treated as a black sheep of the alliance and Conte thinks that “he was born with a shirt, but is unsuitable for governing”. The prime minister does not want to make it a personal matter, but to put it in three words he simply does not trust. And yet, Conte understood that it is not possible to hunt the ally. “The idea of ​​replacing Italy alive in the race is not practicable – it is the acknowledgment that matures between Palazzo Chigi and the Nazarene -. The numbers are not there ».

If it is a truce then, it’s about a armed truce. The Renzians expect Giuseppe Conte’s apologies for having been branded as “rude opposition”. And the premier, who thinks he has “slapped” the challenger by forcing him to brake on the edge of the crevasse, is convinced that the next step is up to Renzi. “He’s the one who has to decide which side he’s on – it’s the message Conte sent to his predecessor.” If he continues to behave as Salvini did with the yellow-green government, we will not go on for long ».

You cannot govern like this, is the mood that the premier shares with Zingaretti, Franceschini and the other ministers of the Democratic Party. But a Palazzo Chigi nobody really believes that the Giallorossi government, in the event of a crisis, can be reborn from its ashes. “The Conte ter does not exist,” the premier had to admit. Yet ministers and collaborators keep the accounts and it transpires that the president made a large round of calls to check the numbers.

Nicola Fioramonti in the Chamber, Paolo Romani and Gaetano Quagliariello in the Senate are just some of the wooed capicorrenti, but until the ballot boxes are on the horizon, no one seems willing to expose themselves to shore up the government. According to the rumors of Palazzo Madama, Romani is ready to bring a dozen senators as a dowry, but in the government they admit that “these are all figures to be verified”. It is a very high risk game and Conte has understood it. And there is more. There is that Matteo Salvini does not lose consensus and that his attraction power, in the event of a counter-offensive, could be stronger.

The perpetual duel it is risky for both. Renzi can lose pieces and Conte can lose his armchair. “If you go to the court to ask for trust, another government is born,” predicts Iv’s secretary, Ettore Rosato. Which reveals the state of the reports: «The prime minister never replied to my last text message, in which I posed problems on the government. Now the ball is in its field ». Since there is no alternative at the moment, this dangerous war of attrition seems destined to continue, with the risk that justice, or another divisive theme, will lead to the reckoning.

«I fear that sooner or later we will have to count in Parliament – gears up to the “open challenge” Conte -. Let’s get ready for everything, even for a vote of confidence ». The Apulian jurist knows well that he could gamble, but from the Democratic Party they told him that the group of Renzians in the Senate “is far from monolithic, given the polls that give Italy 3% alive”. In Palazzo Chigi and surroundings there is talk of “a dozen restless and dissatisfied Iv MPs” who would tempted by the return to the Democratic Party, because with the cut of parliamentarians very few are sure that they will return to occupy a bench. But Renzi denies, calms the troops and laughs at us. And even if his latest moves on social media have sparked more disappointment than consensus, he continues to say that in his small party “more people will come”.

Monday, with the reopening of the Chambers, we will return to talk about prescription, the mine that threatened to blow up the executive. Renzi judges the Conte award unconstitutional and does not give up the temptation, if the truce should jump, to discourage Minister Bonafede: «He will not eat the dove …». But for Conte it is just another bluff: «Renziani wouldn’t vote for mistrust. If the Guardasigilli falls, the government falls and they never go back to Parliament. “

February 14, 2020 (change February 14, 2020 | 11:35 pm)


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