Home » today » News » Government, Berlusconi: ‘From Meloni yes to Casellati to justice’. The former president of the Senate: ‘What the leaders decide for me is ok’ – Politics

Government, Berlusconi: ‘From Meloni yes to Casellati to justice’. The former president of the Senate: ‘What the leaders decide for me is ok’ – Politics

First he announces an agreement to entrust the Ministry of Justice to Elisabetta Casellati, while Giorgia Meloni’s idea is Carlo Nordio. Then he claims to have “re-established relations with Putin a little bit”, adding that Ukraine’s entry into NATO could mean “world war”. Silvio Berlusconi takes the stage and unleashes an earthquake under the feet of a government that the leader of FdI is struggling to create, risking a very dangerous tear. Also because the new executive should have an openly Atlanticist matrix, embodied by a minister of FI, Antonio Tajani, up to now destined for Foreign Affairs.

The majority breaks up, the opposition sinks the blow. “The only thing that Berlusconi can do more to avoid giving birth to this government is to put a bomb in via della Scrofa …”, is the ironic synthesis of the leader of Action Carlo Calenda, more or less while the Knight at the end of the afternoon posted on Facebook the photo of her partner Marta Fascina’s kiss in an ice cream shop in Rome: “I couldn’t resist a crepes”. At the end of the day, many of his close associates get their hands in their hair scrolling through the headlines of the agencies. Inside Forza Italia there are those who live with a certain embarrassment a situation that had already become complicated last week with the case of Licia Ronzulli, out of the government but elected leader of the Senate (the one in the House is Alessandro Cattaneo). In the afternoon Tajani deserted a conference where he was expected. And the climate is even heavier in the offices where Meloni spent the day at work, amidst amazement and concern at the escalation of Berlusconi’s interventions, in front of which the leader hides behind a “cold silence”. Which joins that of Salvini and the Lega.

The truce, signed not even twenty-four hours earlier with the face to face in via della Scrofa, begins to creak when in the early afternoon Berlusconi arrives at Palazzo Madama to meet his senators: “In Forza Italia there is profound bitterness because, with the same amount of voters with the League, the way in which the single-member constituencies were distributed brought us 20 deputies and 10 fewer senators “. The request for “equal dignity with the League” is accompanied a couple of hours later by a relaunch on Justice: “Could it be Nordio? No, Meloni asked me to meet him, but there is the former president of the Senate Elisabetta Casellati, on this there is agreement, absolutely “.

Then, after the assembly with the deputies, he adds: “Meloni said yes to Casellati”. And part of a list on the ministers forcers: “There will be Tajani at Foreign Affairs and Deputy Prime Minister, Bernini at the PA, Saccani at the University, Pichetto at the Environment and Ecological Transition and Casellati at Justice”.

But Nordio remains the technician to whom Meloni intends to entrust Justice and Casellati seems destined for the Reforms: “What the leaders will decide – clarifies the former president of the Senate – is fine with me”. Meanwhile, Berlusconi’s exit is seen as an institutional flaw even according to the allies. “I think he simply expressed his wishes because announcing ministers is not only inappropriate but also disrespectful from an institutional point of view,” admits the political leader of Noi Moderati Maurizio Lupi.

The words spoken by Berlusconi to the deputies are likely to generate another problem. “The Russian ministers have said that we are already at war with them because we are providing arms and financing to Ukraine – the reasoning in an audio -. But they are very, very, very worried. I have re-established relations with President Putin a bit,” a bit ‘a lot, in the sense that for my birthday he sent me twenty bottles of vodka and a very sweet letter. I answered him with bottles of Lambrusco and an equally sweet letter. I was declared by him the first of his five true friends ” .

In the evening, FI clarifies that the “position” of the party and its president on the Ukrainian conflict and Russian responsibilities, “is known by all, is in line with the position of Europe and the United States, reaffirmed on more and more public occasions. . Margins of ambiguity never exist and have never existed “. But it is not certain that it is enough to reduce the incident.

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