Home » today » Health » Government begins vaccination of boys and girls between 6 and 11 years old in schools: it is expected to inoculate 1.5 million in the process and complete the application of second doses in December

Government begins vaccination of boys and girls between 6 and 11 years old in schools: it is expected to inoculate 1.5 million in the process and complete the application of second doses in December

At 8:00 am this Monday, at the Providencia College on Manuel Montt Avenue, the Minister (s) of Health, Paula Daza, together with the Minister of Education, Raúl Figueroa, and the Mayor of Providencia, Evelyn Matthei, began the program of school vaccination against Covid-19 in boys and girls from 6 to 11 years old.

“This week we are also vaccinating adolescents and booster doses. It is a large number of people who will be attending the vaccinations, “said Daza in the activity.

1.5 million children are expected to be vaccinated in this process.

“The vaccines are already approved, they are safe and they are effective”, highlighted the authority of the Minsal.

Paula Daza specified that in November they hope to have completed the vaccination with the first dose. The second is applied 28 days later. “We hope to have the children vaccinated during this year, between now and December.”

Arm pain, a little fever, general malaise, no later than 48 hours after the “puncture”, are part of the symptoms that could occur, said Minister (s) Daza, although she explained that the technology of the vaccine applied is similar to the one that was already applied in children against influenza and in general they do not manifest themselves.

The minister (s) provided details of the process and clarified that in case a child has not attended the day the vaccination was carried out at their school, Primary Health Care (PHC) “It is coordinated with schools to vaccinate children, and those who cannot do it in educational establishments, can do it later in Primary Care”.

For his part, the Minister of Education, Raúl Figueroa, recalled that “You must have a simple authorization from the parents so that children can be vaccinated.”

The Mineduc authority highlighted that “this vaccination process provides even greater security to families to recover face-to-face activities and also to educational communities around avoiding the spread of Covid. It is a safe process ”.

Figueroa made a call “to all the attorneys to consent and collaborate in the greater efficiency of this process.”

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