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Government Asked To Clarify Trading Robot Regulations

JAKARTA, Investor.id – The government is asked to strictly regulate the use of the application robot trading in foreign currency transactions (foreign excahnge/forex) as well as a commodity. This is related to the Investment Alert Task Force’s decision to include Autotrade Gold 4.0 as an illegal investment application.

This is related to the findings of the Financial Services Authority (OJK) Investment Alert Task Force (SWI), Saturday (7/5), that as many as 26 fake companies made illegal investments. One of them is the Autotrade Gold 4.0 application, which is a product of PT SDFI. SWI considers that the Auto Trade Gold 4.0 application invests in robots and runs money game, so it is included in the list of illegal investment applications.

Founder all at once Master Introduce Broker (MIB) PT Sarana Digital Future Internasional (SDFI) Idaman Gea regretted SWI’s decision to include Autotrade Gold 4.0 in the list of illegal investment applications. “We should have been called first for clarification. The Autotrade Gold 4.0 application is clear as the organizer. This application was made by PT Sarana Digital Internasional (SDI) whose name has been changed to PT Sarana Digital Future Internasional (SDFI),” he said in Jakarta, Monday (17 / 5).

Gea revealed, Autotrade has been registered in Intellectual Property Rights (HAKI) at the Directorate General of Intellectual Property of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights with number JID2020077863. Not only that, PT SDFI has an operational permit for the application with number AHU-0028437.AH.01.01 Year 2020

“We do not understand what the legal basis is that Autotrade is one type of activity that is included in the OJK list which is categorized as fraudulent investment or moneygame? “asked Gea.

So far, he said, Autotrade was under the auspices of a national company that was legally established according to the laws in force in Indonesia. “So in our opinion, it would be a big mistake if our application was stated as an input in the invalid investment criteria,” he continued.

According to Gea, PT SDFI has a very big intention to carry out all its activities in accordance with the rules and regulations in force in Indonesia. Autotrade does not raise community funds, so it does not need OJK permission.

However, Gea did not deny that there were people acting on behalf of Autotrade to collect public funds. “We emphasize that the company is not responsible for the actions of these individuals. We will take action against those who use the name Autotrade who collect public funds,” he said.

Gea also appealed to the Autotrade community not to be affected by negative issues about the Autotrade application. “We just want to provide the best solution in the very difficult economic situation of the community in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic which has yet to end,” he said.

Regarding the inclusion of Autotrade as an illegal investment application, he said, PT SDFI’s team of lawyers would come to the OJK to clarify about the rules. robot trading in Indonesia. PT SDFI strongly supports SWI OJK and BAPPEPTI to carry out control and closure of all kinds of fraudulent investments that are detrimental to the community, however beforehand it must be given direction and guidance.

“We are fully committed to following all applicable legal rules. We also appeal to the OJK and related parties about clear regulations for companies that sell trading robots legally in Indonesia. This is to obtain legal certainty for parties wishing to build a similar business. , “he explained.

Editor : Parluhutan ([email protected])

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