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Government announces plan to boost photovoltaic energy

The government unveiled, this Wednesday, November 3, 2021, a plan to allow the increase of photovoltaic energy in the production of electricity in France. The Minister of Ecological Transition, Barbara Pompili, intends to multiply photovoltaic power over the next seven years. In this year 2021, this represents only 2% of electricity consumption.

Accelerate the development of photovoltaics

Indeed, the share of solar in electricity production remains very low today: 2.2% against 6.3% for wind turbines and 10.3% for hydro. The Ministry of Ecological Transition wants to accelerate the development of this energy to be at the rendezvous of the carbon neutrality in 2050. This means increasing the installed capacity threefold over the next seven years and sevenfold by 2050. To achieve this, Barbara Pompili wants both to simplify procedures and to support all players who wish to invest in renewable energies.

The question of agricultural land treated separately

The issue of photovoltaics on agricultural land will be addressed by the Prime Minister, says the cabinet of Barbara Pompili, Minister of Ecological Transition. The Ministry of Ecological Transition will work on the subject with Matignon and announcements will be made at the end of the year, said a member of the cabinet. For its part, the Young Farmers union has confirmed its opposition to ground installations, knowing that 20,000 ha of agricultural land are thus covered, and that the multiannual energy programming provides for 27,000 ha more in 2028, according to the union. .

The state wants to lead by example

Under the impetus of the State Real Estate Management Agency, 300 installations are scheduled on land and buildings belonging to the latter by 2025.

Evaluate the impact for biodiversity

A study will be launched in early 2022 by government departments and operators to measure the impact of the development of photovoltaic projects on biodiversity.

Streamlining of procedures

The installation of photovoltaic panels on existing buildings and car park shades will no longer be subject to environmental assessment. The building permit will no longer be required for small projects: less than 300 kW. A simple declaration of work will be necessary. What is important is the area occupied on the ground. However, the power of the panels has improved , the ministry points out. Between 300 kW and 600 kW, the assessment will be done on a case-by-case basis, taking into account the risks for biodiversity. Town planning authorizations for photovoltaic projects on buildings and shades will be issued directly by the mayor for municipalities with a local town planning plan (PLU). And they will no longer be subject to environmental assessment.

Reduce connection costs

The share covered by the tariff for the use of public electricity networks will be increased to 60% for projects of less than 500 kW. A decree will be taken shortly.

Solar mandatory in some cases

For new warehouses, hangars and covered parking spaces over 500 m2 as well as new office buildings of more than 1,000 m2, the installation of photovoltaic panels or green roofs will be compulsory.

Add value to degraded land

This plan provides for the publication of a new decree to allocate public support to photovoltaic projects of less than 500 kW without a call for tenders, in order to develop degraded land with limited challenges in terms of biodiversity and landscape ”. A study carried out by Ademe and the decentralized services of the State made it possible to identify wastelands likely to accommodate nearly 8GW of photovoltaic panels, specifies the ministry.

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