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Government Announces Major Special Pardon for 980 People in Celebration of Lunar New Year

The government announced on the 6th that it will grant a special pardon to 980 people, including low-income criminals and special consideration inmates, as of the 7th in celebration of the Lunar New Year holiday. Those eligible for this pardon include former Blue House National Security Office Director Kim Kwan-jin, former Presidential Chief of Staff Kim Ki-chun, and SK Group Senior Vice Chairman Choi Jae-won. This is the fourth pardon under the Yoon Seok-yeol administration.

Former National Security Office Director Kim Kwan-jin (left) and former Blue House Chief of Staff Kim Ki-chun included in the Lunar New Year special pardon on February 6./News 1 Reporter Nam Kang-ho

In addition, the government will implement tax reduction measures for a total of 455,398 people who have received various administrative sanctions, including those in the passenger and cargo transportation industry, food service industry, subsistence fishing industry, and driver’s license. In addition, the government announced that it would provide credit recovery support to approximately 2.98 million people with a history of small delinquency and seek early return to society by paroled 942 exemplary prisoners as of the 30th of last month.

President Yoon Seok-yeol presided over a cabinet meeting at the Presidential Office in Yongsan, Seoul this morning and said, “Above all, this amnesty focused on a vibrant people’s livelihood economy,” and added, “I hope that this amnesty, which is implemented ahead of the holiday, will add vitality to the people’s economy.” “He said. President Yoon’s exercise of the right to pardon occurred six months after Liberation Day last year. So far, there have been two special envoys for Liberation Day and one New Year’s special envoy.

Acting Justice Minister Shim Woo-jung held a briefing at the Seoul Government Complex at 11:20 a.m. on this day and announced the targets of the ‘2024 Lunar New Year Special Pardon’. Previously, the Ministry of Justice held a pardon review committee on the 2nd and reviewed those eligible for special pardons and reinstatement.

The special pardon includes eight former major public officials, including former National Security Office Director Kim Kwan-jin and former Chief of Staff Kim Ki-chun. Former Director Kim Kwan-jin was sentenced to two years in prison in August last year in a reversal and remand trial for the ‘Military Cyber ​​Command political comments’ case. He later re-appealed to the Supreme Court, but withdrew the re-appeal on the 1st. Former Chief of Staff Kim Ki-chun was recently sentenced to two years in prison in a retrial for the so-called ‘cultural blacklist’ case, but did not re-appeal until the 31st of last month, the deadline for re-appeal to the Supreme Court. As the sentences of the two men were confirmed, they became eligible for this pardon.

In response to a reporter’s question, “Did the former Directors Kim Kwan-jin and Kim Ki-chun know in advance of the plan to be included in the pardon and gave up on re-appealing?” an official from the Ministry of Justice responded, “When the Ministry of Justice’s Pardon Review Committee, which consists of a number of external members, reports the pardon target, the State Council meets. The pardon is achieved through . “Once the sentence is confirmed, the person will be subject to pardon review,” he said. “There can be no communication in advance about whether or not a pardon will be granted.”

Kim Dae-yeol, Ji Young-gwan, former Chief of Staff of the Defense Security Command, So Kang-won, and former Busan Police Agency Chief Seo Cheon-ho were also listed as former major public officials who were eligible for pardon. On the other hand, former Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism Cho Yoon-sun, who was tried along with former Chief Kim Ki-chun, was not included in the pardon. An official from the Ministry of Justice said, “We cannot explain the reason for those who were not included in the pardon.”

It turns out that the subjects of this pardon include seven major politicians. In the ruling party, former National Assembly members Lee Woo-hyun and Kim Seung-hee, former Paju Mayor Lee Jae-hong, and former Sangju Mayor Hwang Cheon-mo were included, while in the opposition party, former National Assembly members Shim Ki-jun and Park Ki-chun, and former Gwangsan-gu Mayor Jeon Gap-gil were pardoned and reinstated, respectively.

Five major business figures, including SK Group Executive Vice Chairman Choi Jae-won and LIG Chairman Koo Bon-sang, were reinstated. They were sentenced for incidents that occurred in the course of running a business and have already served their prison sentences or have already expired their probation period.

Choi Jae-won (left), SK Executive Vice Chairman, and LIG Chairman Koo Bon-sang, included in the Lunar New Year special pardon on February 6./Chosun Ilbo DB

In addition, four journalists, including former MBC presidents Kim Jang-gyeom and Ahn Gwang-han, Baek Jong-moon and Kwon Jae-hong, former vice presidents of MBC, were reinstated along with the lapse of their sentences through this pardon.

Among general criminal offenders, 947 people excluding murder, robbery, sexual assault, and gangsters were also pardoned this time. Among them are 33 small business owners or small business owners who caused damage to their trading partners due to temporary difficulties in management, 160 people in the driving industry who were punished for causing traffic accidents while driving for a living, and 129 young people under the age of 34. done. In addition, four inmates receiving special consideration, including one elderly inmate over 70 years old and three criminals of subsistence theft, were also pardoned.

In addition, administrative sanctions imposed on 6 people in the passenger and cargo transportation industry, 16,446 people in the food and hospitality industry, 179 people in subsistence fishing, and 363,681 people with driver’s licenses were specially reduced. The disciplinary action of 75,086 current and former public officials who had been reprimanded or given unwritten warnings for minor mistakes before the inauguration of the Yoon Seok-yeol administration was also pardoned.

Acting Minister Shim Woo-jung said, “This amnesty focused on providing an opportunity for the development of a vibrant economy for people’s livelihoods and national integration,” adding, “Through this amnesty, we will improve vitality in the overall national economy based on a strong economy for people’s livelihoods, end political and ideological conflicts, and “I hope that this will provide an opportunity for national unity,” he said.

2024-02-06 03:45:00
#Kim #Kwanjin #Kim #Kichun #Choi #Jaewon #Koo #Bonsang.. #Government #grants #special #pardon #Lunar #Year

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