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Government and business leaders mobilize for youth employment

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The Minister of Labor, Elisabeth Borne, announced on Sunday January 3 the extension of aid for the employment of young people under the operation “one young person, one solution”, beyond the end of January.

“The health situation will remain difficult in the coming weeks and will lead us to extend (…) the bonus of 4,000 euros [par an] for the hiring, in CDD of more than three months or in CDI, of a young person of less than 26 years and the 5,000 euros or 8,000 euros of aid for an apprenticeship or professionalization contract ”, assures the minister in an interview with Sunday newspaper (JDD).

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“The figures show that our plan is bearing fruit”, she believes about a battery of measures launched in July 2020 when the health crisis linked to the Covid-19 epidemic has severely affected youth employment.

She quotes the figure of 1.05 million young people “Recruited on fixed-term contracts of at least three months or on permanent contracts”, between August and the end of November 2020, i.e. “Almost as much as in 2019”. “More than 220,000 bonuses have already been distributed”, adds Mme Borne, recalling the unprecedented success of apprenticeship with 440,000 contracts signed in 2020, against 353,000 in 2019.

100,000 job offers for young people

At the same time, around thirty business leaders are calling for “A collective mobilization for French youth”, with the objective of offering 100,000 job offers by the end of January on the site 1jeune1solution, in a column also published in The JDD. “At the time of the revival, we call for a collective mobilization for French youth, by relying on the plan 1 young, 1 solution launched in July 2020 by the government », write the authors of this column.

More than 50,000 job offers are already available on the site, with 1,000 companies involved, according to the text. “Let’s go up that number. Our goal: to be able to offer more than 100,000 job offers by the end of January. “

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The text is signed by thirty-five leaders from various economic sectors: in particular banks and insurance companies (BNP Paribas, Crédit Agricole, Société Générale, Savings Bank, AXA, La Mondiale), distribution (Carrefour, Système U, Boulanger) , energy (Total, EDF, Engie), transport (SNCF), and industry (Schneider Electric), and technologies (Microsoft, Gameloft).

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