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Government allocates S/ 63 million to La Libertad to continue reactivating the economy – News from Trujillo, La Libertad, Peru

Through Con Punche Regional.

The Executive presented this morning Con Punche Regional in La Libertad, with the aim of continuing to reactivate the economy of this part of the country, after the emergency due to natural phenomena.

The head of the Cabinet, Alberto Otárola; together with the President of the Republic, Dina Boluarte. The head of the PCM announced that a significant budget is being allocated in order to carry out works in the region during 2023.

“The Con Punche Peru program has provided 63 million soles for La Libertad, which will be executed this year. This amount will be destined mainly for emblematic projects, ”he advanced.

Alberto Otárola added that special attention will be paid to prioritized works. For this reason, 24 construction interventions will be carried out for the integral solution of the river defenses of the Chicama and Virú rivers and the San Ildefonso and San Carlos streams. These tasks are necessary to face the ravages of nature.

He also highlighted that through the Authority for Reconstruction with Changes there are already 1,286 million soles to finance work in different sectors. He pointed out that today there are 564 interventions corresponding to the housing sector, 291 in education, 205 in transportation, 181 in agriculture and 22 in the health sector in this northern department.

Likewise, he mentioned the efforts of the Executive to derive immediate aid to the populations most affected by the rains and overflows as a result of the passage of Cyclone Yaku. He indicated that, the day before, 56 tons of food were transferred to La Libertad for distribution and to replenish warehouses.

Agreement for food support

During the meeting, the Government, through the Ministry of Development and Social Inclusion, signed a framework agreement with the United Nations World Food Program in Peru for the promotion of nutrition and community development.

This agreement seeks to provide complementary emergency food support to 2,000 homes, around 6,708 people affected and affected by the heavy rains due to the passage of Cyclone Yaku, in Tumbes, Piura, Lambayeque and La Libertad, among others.

In the day, called Table for Peace and Governance, the regional governor César Acuña participated, as well as the provincial and district mayors.

Also present were the heads of the portfolios of Development and Social Inclusion, Production, Agrarian Development and Irrigation, Transport and Communications, Education, Housing, Construction and Sanitation, Energy and Mines, Health and the Interior.


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