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Government advisory body: ‘Replace benefit with basic job’ | NOW

The government should invest in good work and a basic job for the unemployed, instead of benefits. The Scientific Council for Government Policy (WRR), an important government advisory body, argues in favor of this report published on Wednesday.

According to the WRR, work is important for society. It is therefore not desirable for people to remain unemployed for a long time.

More than a million Dutch people are currently unable to find work, while they often want it. According to the advisory body, they can still make a contribution to society through a basic job.

Three WRR researchers assessed the quality of work in the Netherlands. They come with nine recommendations for the government to make good work possible.

According to the researchers, good work is important for the health and well-being of people and society. It is also important for social cohesion.

Work has often become more uncertain

The research shows that for more and more people their work has become more uncertain. In 2018, 36 percent of the Dutch had an insecure job. Flexibility, new technologies and intensification would contribute to this. For example, many employees have a flexible employment contract.

The WRR also proposes a basic insurance for disability that is the same for everyone. At the moment, many freelancers in particular are uninsured.

The researchers will present their findings to Minister Koolmees of Social Affairs and Employment on Wednesday evening.

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