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Got a picture of feces in bed – VG

The ongoing court settlement between Depp and ex-wife Amber Heard makes solid claims on the term “dirty laundry”.


On Wednesday, Hollywood star Johnny Depp (58) was in the witness box again, at the Fairfax County Circuit Courthouse in Virginia, after started his explanation Tuesday.

He has sued his ex-wife, actress Amber Heard (35), for 442 million kroner. The lawsuit is centered around a column Heard wrote about sexual violence in Washington Post in December 2018.

Depp believes that Heard is lying that he has abused her – and that his career has been damaged in the wake of her statements.

Poop under the duvet

In court, Depp addressed an episode that has gone its rounds online: About when it was found what should have been feces under the duvet on his side of the bed.

This was in April 2016. Heard held a birthday party on the occasion of his 30th birthday, and Depp is said to have both arrived late and left shortly after, which Heard should not have appreciated.

The next day, according to Depp, Heard went to the Coachella festival. Since the relationship was in full dissolution, Depp thought he should go home and pick up some belongings while Heard was out of the house, he says.

FIGHTING IN COURT: Johnny Depp and Amber Heard.

However, a phone call with a maid should have made Depp change his mind.

In court, Depp first begins to talk about how the maid sent him a picture of something the maid thought was a good argument for not going home right away.

Heard’s defender tries to protest that Depp mentions the picture, but the judge allows it.

– It was a picture of our bed, and on my side of it was human feces. So I figured it was not a good idea to go there.

Depp’s lawyer asks how he reacted.

– I laughed, he says.

It was so beyond, so strange, so grotesque that I could do nothing but laugh. So I did not go there.

According to Depp, Heard is to blame for the fact that it was one of the couple’s two Yorkshire terriers who did in bed.

– She tried to blame the dogs. They weigh around two kilos each. The picture I saw … I lived with those dogs for many years, and picked up after them myself. That did not come from any dog.

Mother’s death contributed

Following the statements about the stool, Depp’s lawyer goes straight to asking how his mother’s health was at this time. She was then on her deathbed, and died on 20 May.

Depp says that his mother’s death made him decide to end his relationship with Heard, and that he took the initiative the next day.

In court on Wednesday, an audio recording was also played where the couple discussed a recent quarrel. There, Heard admits several times that he physically attacked Depp, but at the same time says that she just slapped, did not hit.

Depp also says that his two children, now 19 and 22 years old, had no contact at all with Heard towards the end of the marriage.

– My children are far more intelligent than I am. They would not be around her. They disliked the way she treated me.

Amber Heard’s testimony is expected later in the trial. Wednesday’s round in court ended with her lawyer only just getting started with cross-examination of Depp.

On April 9, Heard wrote on Instagram that she was going to go offline during the trial. She emphasized there that she still loves Depp, and that it hurts her to have to publish details from their relationship.

Heard also points out there that she never mentioned Depp by name in her column, and that she hopes they can both put this behind them when the case is decided.

Showed injured finger

Depp also testified about an argument in 2015 which according to him was so intense that he had to get medical help. The actor’s finger was bruised and cut at the top.

Depp told his version of the story:

– She threw a large bottle and it hit her hand and was crushed. When I took a look at the finger I saw that the fingertip had been cut off. I do not know what a nervous breakdown feels like, but it is probably the closest I have been to one, he says according to CNN.

Amber Heard has denied Depp’s claims. According to Variety, she said that Depp probably cut his finger when he smashed a phone. Her lawyers have also referred to text messages where Depp is said to have admitted that he cut his finger himself.

SHOWN IN COURT: A picture of Johnny Depp’s injured finger was shown during the trial on Wednesday.

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