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GOP Presidential Candidate Nikki Haley Vows to Serve Full 8 Years and Defeat Biden and Trump, Polls Show 70% Disapproval

Former U.S. Ambassador Nikki Haley Vows to Defeat Trump in South Carolina Primary

Former U.S. Ambassador Nikki Haley Vows to Defeat Trump in South Carolina Primary

GOP candidate Nikki Haley states America needs a president fully dedicated to their duty

Former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations, Nikki Haley, made a bold statement at a recent Fox News town hall. According to her, America requires a president who is committed to serving eight years wholeheartedly, with discipline and a determination to get the job done. Haley backed her claim with polling data showing that 70% of Americans do not wish to see former President Trump or President Biden in office.

Town hall ahead of South Carolina primary

Haley’s town hall appearance comes just ahead of the upcoming South Carolina primary on February 24. In this primary, she will face off against Trump, despite having served as his U.S. ambassador in the past. Haley is not holding back in her efforts to convince the people of her state that she would make a better president than Trump.

Impressive momentum in her campaign

Haley proudly spoke about her campaign’s progress, noting that she started at just 2% polling before going on to finish almost second with 20% in Iowa. In New Hampshire, she achieved a remarkable 43% of the vote, which caught Trump off guard. According to Haley, Trump had a temper tantrum in response to her success and talked about revenge, even barring permanent support from his Make America Great Again (MAGA) movement to anyone who backed her.

Standing up for the American people

During her speech, Haley highlighted the fact that Trump focused on himself rather than the American people. She emphasized the importance of bringing people together and not pushing them away, especially in the lead-up to an election. Haley took the opportunity to criticize Trump’s push to become the Republican National Committee’s presumptive nominee and pointed out that in America, the people’s voices matter, rather than anointing a singular person as the nominee without a proper democratic process.

A debt crisis and the blame game

Haley didn’t shy away from blaming both Republicans and Democrats for the country’s staggering $34 trillion debt. She accused Trump of significantly adding to that debt during his four years in office, asserting that less than a quarter of the total debt accumulated under his administration stemmed from the COVID-19 pandemic. Haley emphasized the need for fiscal responsibility, suggesting the government should start with the economy and recover $100 billion of unspent COVID-19 relief funds that haven’t been utilized. She called for a thorough investigation into the extensive amounts of COVID-19 fraud and advocated for reducing borrowed money instead of continuing to add to the country’s already burdensome debt.

Foreign relations and the NATO alliance

Haley expressed her concerns about Trump’s stance on foreign relations, particularly his views on NATO and Russian President Vladimir Putin. She firmly criticized Trump for suggesting that he would encourage Putin to invade NATO allies and highlighted the importance of unity among allies, especially in the face of common adversaries. Haley labeled Putin as an enemy of the United States and warned against underestimating his intentions to undermine American interests. She stressed the need to hold Russia accountable for its actions and to reinforce the relationships with NATO countries behind closed doors rather than making divisive public declarations.

Lack of trust in older presidential candidates

Haley pointed out that both Trump and Biden are in their eighties, and approximately 70% of Americans currently disapprove of both candidates. She raised concerns about placing the fate of the nation in the hands of two elderly candidates, stating that their accumulation of trillions of dollars in debt will burden future generations. According to Haley, America needs a president who is fully committed, disciplined, and ready to serve for eight years, ensuring the job gets done without the limitations that come with advanced age.

Sources: Fox News, AP, Bloomberg, Getty Images

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