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Goosebumps, Tourists Walk on a 100-Meter-High Glass Bridge Suddenly Shattered Glass


LONGJING – A chilling sight takes place on a 100 meter high glass-floor bridge China . A male tourist was trapped there after the glass floor beneath his feet shattered.

The tourist was finally rescued after clinging to the railing of the bridge.

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The glass walkway bridge, located on the Mount Piyan resort in Longjing town, was partially destroyed by strong winds on Friday. The incident left the frightened tourist trapped on a bridge as high as 100 meters from the ground.

A photo published by Chinese media, was quoted as saying Russia Today, Tuesday (11/5/2021), shows the man sitting on a beam as he puts his hand on the bridge rail.

The man was reportedly stuck on a badly damaged bridge for more than 30 minutes before emergency workers were able to help him crawl back to safety.

After surviving the terrifying incident, the tourist was sent to the hospital for psychological counseling.

The resort where the bridge is located was eventually closed until further notice.

The near-fatal accident sparked a wave of response on Chinese social media, with many expressing concern about the safety of such buildings. People are also voicing horror on Twitter.

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Glass-floored bridges are becoming increasingly popular in China. According to a local media estimate, at least 60 such footprint bridges have been built or are under construction since late 2016.

The country’s most famous glass bridge, located in the city of Zhangjiajie, northwest of China’s Hunan province, hangs 300 meters from the ground.

In recent years, several regions in China have implemented stricter safety guidelines for popular tourist destinations.


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