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“Google’s Gemini Chatbot Fails with Offensive Images and Song Recognition Issues on Android”

Google’s Gemini Chatbot Fails with Offensive Images and Song Recognition Issues on Android

In the world of artificial intelligence, there are bound to be some hiccups along the way. And Google’s latest chatbot, Gemini, is no exception. Released in a hurry, Gemini has been plagued with a series of problems that have left users frustrated and disappointed.

One of the most shocking issues with Gemini was its image generator. Users were shocked to find that the chatbot was generating offensive images, particularly ones that depicted people of color in Nazi-era uniforms. This cultural insensitivity was not only alarming but also deeply offensive. Google quickly removed the image generator, but the damage had already been done.

But offensive images weren’t the only problem with Gemini. The chatbot’s commentary has also been questionable, to say the least. It has been known to make absurd comparisons, such as equating Hitler’s record with Elon Musk posting memes. Such remarks not only lack sensitivity but also undermine the seriousness of historical events.

However, one of the most frustrating issues with Gemini is its song recognition feature on Android. Many users, including myself, relied on Google Assistant’s song recognition for identifying tracks in various settings. Whether it was in a nightclub, restaurant, or bar, Google Assistant was always there to help us identify those catchy tunes. But with Gemini taking over, song recognition has become a thing of the past.

Gemini fails to recognize songs and even suggests using other apps like Shazam or switching back to Google Assistant for song identification. This is a major setback for users who enjoyed the convenience and accuracy of Google Assistant’s song recognition feature. It’s disappointing to see such a basic task being mishandled by Gemini.

As someone who uses an aging Samsung Galaxy A53 5G, I understand the need for a snappy user experience. That’s why I rely on minimalist alternatives like Niagara Launcher to optimize my phone’s performance. However, this leaves me dependent on Google Assistant, or in this case, Gemini, for various tasks like setting timers and launching apps. The absence of reliable song recognition is a significant drawback for users like me.

Sure, there are other song-recognizing apps available, such as Shazam, but Google Assistant was known for its accuracy. It was a seamless experience that didn’t require any additional steps or apps. A simple voice command was all it took to identify a song quickly. But with Gemini, that convenience has been stripped away.

To make matters worse, I am a paying customer of the Google One AI Premium Plan, which promises a more sophisticated Gemini experience. However, the broken song recognition feature and the lack of basic functionalities like playing songs and creating lists make Gemini a poor substitute for Google Assistant on Android.

I have reached out to Google regarding the song recognition issue with Gemini, and I hope to receive a response soon. In the meantime, users are left frustrated and longing for the reliable and convenient features of Google Assistant. Let’s hope that Google addresses these issues promptly and provides a better experience for Gemini users in the future.


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