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Google’s anchor that makes AI responses more reliable

Google has announced that it will help companies ad “anchor” the contents produced by generative artificial intelligence to the data – currently even more reliable – from its main search engine.

This is an important step that we intend to facilitate the large-scale adoption of generative AI in businesseswhich so far has been slowed down by the tendency of artificial intelligence models to “hallucinate”, i.e. generate inaccurate or invented information.

The companies that develop these models, including itself Googlethey claim to have reduced the rate of hallucination. But the problem is that there is still the possibility of receiving a totally incorrect answer from an AI chatbot.

The reliability of generative AI responses is critically important to businesses for several reasons. An incorrect AI response can lead, for example, to equally incorrect decisions by an employee, or it can to pollute the information provided to customers.

Furthermore, there is the question of credibility and reputation: Unreliable AI responses can undermine customer or investor confidence. And Google knows this well, since the mistakes made by its artificial intelligence in the past have led to a disastrous collapse in the stock market.


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Then there is the damage that an incorrect response from AI could cause in particularly delicate areas such as finance or healthcare. And finally it should not be forgotten that it also exists a question of efficiency: If employees have to constantly check the AI’s responses, then the time savings promised by this technology are completely utopian.

During the conference Google Cloud Nextwhich takes place in Las Vegas, Google even announced – among other things – that it is integrating its own search engine into the platform Vertex AI, a Google Cloud service designed specifically for businesses. In short, it is a platform that allows companies to easily develop, deploy and manage AI and machine learning models.

The integration of the Google search engine into Vertex AI will allow companies to access thenmost recent information and citations indicating the sources of key data. This functionality, defined as “grounding“, therefore aims to provide more reliable and verifiable results from generative AI research. A bit like what happens on GeminiGoogle’s AI-powered chatbot that allows users to carry out a “check” of the answers obtained by clicking on a large colored “G”..

Google is also working to enable businesses to “anchoring” AI responses to their internal data. This would be a very useful feature. However, it is currently in the testing phase.

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Second Thomas Kurian, CEO of Google Cloud, there has been a major shift in how companies approach generative AI. While many companies focused on experimental adoption of these technologies last year, they are now trying to figure out which applications are actually ready for widespread deployment.

“The most important change I see is the systematic transition from the pilot phase [dunque di sperimentazione, nda] to real integration into production” said Kurian.

Among the first customers of Google’s enterprise AI solutions is Verizonwhich is using the technology for diverse applications, from deploying 5G networks to creating personalized marketing to improving customer service.

In the Verizon customer service area is leveraging Google’s generative AI to both more efficiently and reliably automate requests and provide its employees with the correct information to handle the most complex customer queries, thereby reducing the “cognitive load on staff.” This, according to Verizon, allows employees to focus more on the “emotional connection with customers.”


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During the Las Vegas conference, Google also announced several new products for its cloud platform aimed at businesses and productivityincluding an AI-powered video editing application, an AI-powered messaging and meeting service, and a security service to add to Google Workspace.

#Googles #anchor #responses #reliable
– 2024-04-13 13:21:17

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