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Goodbye to the Joke Writer: A Fond Farewell to Elena Jana Poelker after 12 Years of Laughter

For twelve years, the East Frisian has been diligently sending jokes to the children’s site. Now she’s coming of age and going into her well-deserved retirement as a joke writer. We spoke to her when we said goodbye.

Borkum/Klostermoor – Elena Jana Poelker is six years old and lives in Klostermoor. She sent Roxi her favorite joke and it goes like this: A man says to his wife: “I dreamed everything in English last night!” She: “Yes, and?” With these words, a wonderful collaboration began about twelve years ago. Elena Jana Poelker broadcast jokes for the children’s site’s joke box for over a decade. “When my first joke was printed, I was proud. Being in the newspaper is something special,” the joker recalls.

There are many jokes that made it to the children’s site.

The age in the introduction changed, and of course the joke was different each time. What stayed the same was the smirk on the lips of Roxi the reporter cow. And it wasn’t just at Roxi and in the editorial office that the jokes made for a funny start to the day: many of the readers soon knew her name and Elena Jana Poelker became a minor celebrity in East Frisia. Whether teachers or distant acquaintances, many would have asked her about it, she says.

The 18-year-old says goodbye

Unfortunately, on her eighteenth birthday and after twelve years as a reliable source of jokes, the time has come: Elena Jana Poelker will say goodbye to the children’s site as a joke writer from October. “You should stop when it’s most beautiful. And I think at 18 I’m getting too old. I’d like to give space to new writers so they can successfully submit jokes,” explains the birthday boy. She is currently doing a voluntary social year (FSJ) on Borkum in the mother-child clinic. There, the experience with jokes comes in handy: “When the children are sad, it’s a good way to distract them. I think you need humor to have a good life and to be happy. Jokes are a little thing that brighten up the day.” She is also happy in her FSJ on the island. “It’s nice to go for a walk on the beach in the evening.” After the year, she would like to continue doing something social: “Perhaps an apprenticeship as a teacher. I would also like to work with therapy dogs.”

She wants to remain loyal to East Frisia. The children’s side is still following her. “My mother sent me the page.” After all the years in the joke box, the 18-year-old draws the conclusion: “I’ve always had a lot of fun. I can only recommend everyone to tell jokes and have fun with them.” Looking for new jokes in particular has always given her pleasure again and again. Finally, Elena Jana Poelker told us her actual favorite joke: rolls a ball around the corner and falls over.

An album with all the many children’s jokes

There are many jokes that made it to the children’s site.

Many pages with many more jokes. Elena Jana Poelker’s mother cut out almost all of her daughter’s jokes on the children’s page for twelve years and collected them in an album. The album isn’t just on the bookshelf. “We’ll leaf through it in the afternoon. The memories come back where you got the jokes from.” There are now well over 200 jokes that Elena Jana Poelker has sent in in the twelve years since 2011. “That means that, on average, there was a joke about me in the newspaper every 21 days. It was always a lot of fun for me.” The positive feedback also motivated her. Now she looks forward to reading jokes from other children.

2023-09-07 20:07:38
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