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Goodbye to the “complicit” ministers of the Prian: electricians

15 years after the presidential decree by which Luz y Fuerza del Centro (LyFC) was extinguished, members of the Mexican Union of Electricians (SME) held a rally yesterday in front of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation (SCJN) to fire the ministers who took away our source of work and that next year they will be elected by popular vote.

To the sound of the mariachi, dozens of electricians sang The swallows and they warned that while they continue fighting, the 11 judges of the highest court se ofeven though they are very stupid and they insist on overturning the judicial reform, said Humberto Montes de Oca, Secretary of Foreign Affairs of the SME.

From a stand installed in front of the SCJN, he mentioned that on January 30, 2013, the second court denied protection to the electricians union, considering that the federal Executive was not the boss of LyFC. In this way, the employment relationship with the workers was extinguished and, as proposed by the project of Minister Luis María Aguilar – who ends his term next December –, definitively closed the possibility for the Federal Electricity Commission to become a substitute employer. of those dismissed on October 11, 2009.

Through Luis María Aguilar, that project threw us out onto the streets. On January 30 we were in this same place, and that day was tragic for us because our right to work was in the hands of the ministers.reproached one of the electricians.

Those gathered also recalled that in July 2010, in a session of a little more than three hours, the SCJN endorsed the constitutionality of the decree of extinction of Luz y Fuerza del Centro; They also stressed that the act promoted by the government of Felipe Calderón it was illegal.

Montes de Oca pointed out that the Supreme Court was accomplice of five neoliberal governments of PRI and PAN, which caused damage to the country.

Thus, he listed that the ministers of that time modified secondary laws and validated neoliberal policiessuch as the reform of article 27 of the Constitution in 1992, which allowed the privatization of ejidal lands, affecting peasants and indigenous people.

Also – they added – the judges validated the reform to the Mining Law of 1993, allowing foreign companies to exploit the country’s mineral resources, affecting communities and contributing to the devastation of the environment.

Besides, They validated a reform that dismantled the social security system in the country and supported the privatization of pension funds in 1997 during the Ernesto Zedillo government, said the unionist.

Judicial Power, by popular vote!, Judicial Power, by popular vote! was one of the slogans launched by the former workers, who were asked from the stand have the voter registration card ready because next year the judges and ministers will be appointed by the people.

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#Goodbye #complicit #ministers #Prian #electricians

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