Paolo Bonolis is one of the leading television presenters of the Mediaset schedule. Thanks to the successful collaboration with his wife and his cast director Sonia Bruganelli, he managed to put together some very popular TV formats. Yet, something very disheartening has happened to the announcer. There seems to be nothing to do…
Paolo Bonolis has been married for over 25 years to Sonia Bruganelli and the two have three children together. Recently, the woman said she was considering living in two separate houses.
During an interview, the host said: “My wife and I couldn’t be more different. We are arranging to live in separate houses. She wants to be more in peace with some childrenI’m with the others. The apartment is the same, there’s a hole and a bedroom over there.’
Then he added: “We have been together for 25 years. We are great together, we have fun, we laugh, we joke. But there is a need for her to be her and I to be me. More than she is her. It is to his credit that he understood that a little more distance is actually a more constant rapprochement”.
Now something truly definitive happens, Paolo Bonolis can do nothing more…
Paolo Bonolis is no longer able to react: it’s over
Paolo Bonolis is certainly one of Mediaset’s most loved TV hoststhanks to his sympathy and impertinence. His programs give Italians a little levity, in a moment that is not exactly happy at an economic and social level. However, the formats proposed by Paolo Bonolis have not been free from criticism, even the harshest ones. In fact, yours is often defined as junk or trash TV, given the not exactly cultural contents it offers. Also, someone accused him of making fun of guests and competitors excessively, leveraging the desire for fame of poor individuals.

Regarding his television, the conductor husband of Sonia Bruganelli replied: “Some products I have made I’m not trashybut amused stories about the surreality that we live every day and are devoid of hypocrisy. We often experience a TV that knows how to be hypocritical, when there is something that is not hypocritical it is viewed with suspicion. Hi Darwin is not a trash product, but it tells the story of trashwhat we all live by pretending that it is an understandable reality”.
However, despite the conductor’s efforts, he can no longer react. In fact, he’s been losing his for years comparison on the share with the Legacy programme conducted by Amadeus. By now there seems to be nothing left to do and despite trying and trying to update the format, he continues to lose miserably against the artistic director of Sanremo. All that remains is to see what the future developments of Avanti another will be and understand if Mediaset will decide whether or not to replace the transmission with another one.