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Goodbye heating, with 50 cents you can say goodbye to the bill: we are finally safe –

As we have reiterated over and over again, during the coming autumn and winter seasons we will find ourselves facing really prohibitively expensive energy bills (both electricity and gas), all due above all to the conflict that continues today in Ukraine in act and speculators.

The situation, especially in Italy, is now really critical: as many as 9 million Italian households are at risk of ending up in a state of poverty, given the truly exorbitant rise in energy bills that they have to face.

According to some consumer associations, in fact, the increase for gas could reach as much as 80% over the next few months. Today, therefore, we offer you another useful trick to lead to lower energy consumption, and consequently save on future energy bills to be paid in the coming months.

The heating temperature is one of the undoubtedly important factors in the management of energy consumption: according to some recently released estimates, in fact, each degree of temperature corresponds to a saving of as much as 6.2% on total heating costs. Therefore, in the case of a decrease of two degrees of heating, we will have the possibility of saving 12.5% ​​of consumption, which is not bad at all in the long term. Just go to the thermostat settings, and slightly lower the heating settings, so as to save significantly.

Another very useful tip is that of use modern fixtures: compared to traditional ones, in fact, they do not disperse the hot air, which is supplied by the heating, consequently maintaining a higher temperature at home.

The electric blanket: another trick to save

In addition to this, then, we suggest the use of the electric blanket. Heating the house at night is in fact completely useless, since in this case it would be possible to heat only the bed area, leading to a really considerable saving on electricity bills. Even within a household made up of several people (hypothetically, 4 or 5 people) about 40 cents or a little more will be enough to heat up all night. This will save you a lot in the long run.

In the meantime, Italian families are eagerly awaiting the € 150 bonus that has been proposed by the government regarding the payment of bills for those with low incomes and cannot afford it.

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We therefore just have to wait for further updates on the matter from the government on future bonuses regarding bill payments, which we are sure will not be long in coming over the next few weeks or months.

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