30-year-old Carina from Mettmann embarks on the journey of her life. She wants to marry Carina, her great love, in Kenya. On a vacation trip to the coast of Mombasa in 2020, she met the entertainer Rodgers, seven years her senior, at a language course. The two spend four weeks together and fall in love. Although the last meeting was a year ago, Carina is certain: “Rodgers is my man for life. He means everything to me, I’ve never felt anything for a man like him before. Although we are so far apart, the connection is extremely close.” Of course, Carina will not be flying alone for her wedding. She takes two very special people with her: Mama Angela and Papa Jürgen. In a few days, the two will meet their future son-in-law for the first time. And they have their doubts about whether Rodgers wants her daughter’s heart or her money. Because at the moment he is going through a difficult time in Kenya. Due to the corona pandemic, Rodgers was fired from the hotel where he worked. The hurdles the two have to overcome can be seen in the video above.
Carina and Rodgers: does their love have a future? The complete “Goodbye Germany” episode is available on Friday, April 22, 2020 from 8:15 p.m. on VOX and of course anytime on RTL+. (s)