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Goodbye Germany (Vox): Ex-DSDS star opens club in Los Angeles – even the Hollywood stars are coming

  • fromPhilipp Mosthaf


“Goodbye Germany” participant Oksana Kolenitchenko became known through her participation in DSDS. But it wasn’t until Los Angeles that the emigrant took off. She now has a club – superstars like Paris Hilton come and go.

Los Angeles – There are quite a few emigrants who seek their great happiness in the land of opportunity. But most of them fail. Quite different with Oksana Kolenitchenko (32). The blonde tried her luck at DSDS in 2013. The Russian even made it into the top 20, but it shouldn’t be enough for the singer to reach the top.

But this “defeat” was only the beginning of a true one Success story for the “Goodbye Germany” candidate. Already in Berlin, Oksana Kolenitchenko had great success with the nightclub “The Pearl”. But her husband Daniel was already dreaming of a new start in Los Angeles. Without the knowledge of the former DSDS participant, he sold the Berlin club.

Crazy transformation at Daniela Katzenberger – the “Goodbye Germany” star used to look so different

Daniela Katzenberger at the # 10yearschallenge
Daniela Katzenberger at the # 10yearschallenge © Screenshot Instagram
Daniela Katzenberger 2010
Daniela Katzenberger 2010 – she just released her single “Nothing’s Gonna Stop Me Now” © Fabian Bimmer/picture alliance/dpa
Daniela Katzenberger 2011 at the VIVA COMET award ceremony in Oberhausen
Daniela Katzenberger 2011 at the VIVA COMET award ceremony in Oberhausen. Did she have a solarium season ticket back then? © Rolf Vennenbernd / picture alliance / dpa
Daniela Katzenberger 2012 with her perfume of the same name
Daniela Katzenberger 2012 with her perfume of the same name © Tobias Kleinschmidt / picture alliance / dpa
Daniela Katzenberger throws a kiss hand
In 2013 Daniela Katzenberger presented her book “Katzen kisses Kater” at a book fair © Boris Roessler/picture alliance/dpa
Daniela Katzenberger 2014 in Ludwigshafen Photo: Uwe Anspach
Daniela Katzenberger 2014 in Ludwigshafen Photo: Uwe Anspach © Uwe Anspach
Daniela Katzenberger and Lucas Cordalis at an event in 2015
Daniela Katzenberger and Lucas Cordalis at an event in 2015 © Caroline Seidel/dpa/picture alliance
Daniela Katzenberger and Lucas Cordalis stepped in front of the altar. Photo: Magdalena Possert / RTL2
Daniela Katzenberger and Lucas Cordalis stepped in front of the altar in 2016 © Magdalena Possert/RTL2
Got on very well: daughter-in-law Daniela Katzenberger and Costa Cordalis.
Got on very well: daughter-in-law Daniela Katzenberger and Costa Cordalis. © RTL2
Daniela Katzenberger with a round pregnancy belly, behind her Lucas
Daniela Katzenberger is expecting a child with Lucas Cordalis (2015) © Andreas Freude / picture alliance / dpa
The singer Lucas Cordalis, Daniela Katzenberger and their daughter Sophia.
The singer Lucas Cordalis, Daniela Katzenberger and their daughter Sophia. © dpa
Daniela Katzenberger turns 30
Daniela Katzenberger and her sister Jenny Frankhauser, with mom Iris Klein and stepdad Peter Klein, at the christening of Daniela’s daughter Sophia Cordalis. © dpa
Daniela Katzenberger arm in arm with her daughter.
Daniela Katzenberger with her daughter in her arms © www.instagram.com/danielakatzenberger
Daniela Katzenberger
Daniela Katzenberger in an archive photo. © Christian Charisins / dpa

And so it finally went in 2018 to the City of Angels in the western United States. In the city of the rich and beautiful, where stars and starlets cluster. In Los Angeles, the “Goodbye Germany” emigrants wanted to see the success of Berlin tie in. But the start turned out to be more than difficult for Daniel and Oksana Kolenitchenko (When is Goodbye Deutschland on TV? All broadcast dates and repeats at a glance).

Goodbye Germany (Vox): Oksana Kolenitchenko opens club in the middle of Hollywood

Daniel and Oksana Kolenitchenko actually had a great luxury life in the German capital. But that wasn’t enough for Daniel. He wanted the big hit in Los Angeles. And so the two emigrants from “Goodbye Germany” (Vox) opened a nightclub in the middle of Hollywood. Not far from the “Walk of Fame” the big hit should be successful.

But the start of 2018 was very difficult. “We wanted to make people really celebrate – difficult in a city where everyone is very cool and aloof. Everyone laughed at us, ”Oksana told Kolenitchenko Bunte.de. And so the former DSDS participant remembers “the hardest year of my life”.

Nobody was interested in the “Next Door Lounge” in Hollywood. And so the TV emigrant even reported: “We had to pay people to make it look full.” There shouldn’t be any return for the “Goodbye Germany” participants, they had all bet on the USA card. Risk taking and hard work should pay off.

Goodbye Germany (Vox): Stars run down the door of the club of emigrants

In the past year, the Club developed by Daniel and Oksana Kolenitchenko into a real hotspot. “Next Door Lounge” has established itself as a meeting point for the big Hollywood stars. “We can no longer save ourselves from bookings. Above all, birthdays are celebrated here, like nowhere else in LA, ”reports the“ Goodbye Germany ”star.

Of the The club of the two “Goodbye Germany” emigrants has long since got around in the Hollywood dream factory. So in the past superstars like Bella Thorne, Paris Hilton, Drew Barrymore, Joaquin Phoenix or Laurence Fishburne left it. But the stars want to be for themselves, so there are seldom photos. Still, life in Los Angeles is still a roller coaster ride. After the hellish year 2018, the breakthrough followed in 2019. But the club will be closed in 2020 – due to the Corona crisis, of course.

Goodbye Germany (Vox): All information about the emigrant documentary is available on the Goodbye Germany topic page from extratipp.com.

About the author

Philipp Mosthaf, editor at extratipp.com, writes on topics from the fields of TV, stars, hits and the world of music. Whether Let’s Dance, jungle camp, Florian Silbereisen or Michael Jackson – Philipp Mosthaf has a passion for entertainment and trash TV. More information about the editors and the extratipp.com team is available here.

Rubriklistenbild: © Instagram/Oksana Kolenitchenko &
picture alliance/Armando Arorizo/epa/dpa

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