Do you know that you can reduce your bill costs thanks to homemade pellets? Here’s how to make it in three simple steps
For some years now, the pellet stove has been one of the heating systems preferred by Italians. Its widespread diffusion demonstrates how much citizens need alternative and even cheaper systems.
Thanks above all to the economic and energy crisis, many are looking for a way to save. Today, in fact, we want to show you how to spend even less and say goodbye to the bill by making homemade pellets. If you don’t believe us, we’ll tell you you can do it in three simple steps.
Here’s how to make pellets in three simple steps
There are many families who, despite having classic radiators at home, have decided to purchase a pellet stove. This is because, especially in times of economic difficulty like this, the pellet stove represents an excellent saving on consumption. A saving that derives in particular from its fuel, namely pellets. This costs relatively little and is particularly efficient. However, we want to show you a way to save even more and say goodbye to your bill. Here you are how to make homemade pellets following three simple steps.

Here’s how to do it in three simple steps (
If you want to make homemade pellets you will have to get some material Of waste. An excellent solution are pruning branches or waste from the wood industry. Do not use the waste on furniture or wardrobes, as these are treated and burning could release dangerous chemicals. In addition to the raw materials, however, you will have to get the right ones machinery to be able to make your own homemade pellets. In fact, you will need it a wood chipperand igrometro, a glue for pellets. These tools will allow you to make homemade pellets and save money.
The first thing to do is to chop the wood into pieces pieces of approximately 8-10 millimetres. Subsequently it will be necessary to dry the product in the sun for at least 24 hours, in order to eliminate any humidity. Your hygrometer will do just that measure humidity inside of your homemade pellets. When this reaches the right level, you will have to insert it into the pellet machine, which will transform your pieces of wood into the classic cylindrical shape of the pellet. To be able to compact it, the advice is to use del glue natural. After making the classic cylinders you will have to store them in a dry and ventilated place, protecting the new pellets from humidity and preventing them from touching the ground.
2023-12-01 21:31:06
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