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Good to know: Corona vaccination for children | Healing with animal poisons | Alternative fuels for combustion engines

Corona vaccination for childrenSo far there are no approved corona vaccines for under 16s. Many manufacturers are now conducting studies, and initial interim results are promising. Experts expect that the first vaccines could be available in just a few months.Healing with animal venomSnake bites, scorpion stings or skin contact with stinging animals – animal venom can have serious consequences for those who come into contact with them. For others, however, they are a source of hope: Researchers suspect that the sometimes highly toxic substances contain substances from which new medicines could be made.Better combustion enginesEven if more and more electric cars are registered, combustion engines will still be around for a long time. But they could become much more efficient and environmentally friendly. Munich researchers are looking for ways to adjust them, for example with fuel.Planet B: Cyclist vs. oil giantDoes what I personally do, for example cycling instead of getting in the car, make a difference for the climate? Science journalist and YouTuber Ilka Knigge has done the math.

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