Can sexual well-being in couples be built? The answer – obvious – is yes. And it starts with awareness of one’s body and taking care of it from a young age. And this applies to both her and him, obviously. Even if females and males do not have similarly proactive attitudes towards prevention. This is why if girls – shortly before or shortly after the first sexual intercourse – go to their gynecologist to talk about fertile days and contraception (and also, hopefully, sexually transmitted diseases), boys actually go to the urologist only when they already have a medical problem. “They arrive for pathologies that could previously be identified during the military visit – he explains Aldo Franco De Rose, urologist and andrologist and president of Assai, Italian andrologists association – such as phimosis, varicocele or testicular anomalies. They have doubts about the shape and size of the genitals, the duration of ejaculation, but we also find prostatitis from excessive use of alcohol, bicycles and motorbikes. And also sexually transmitted diseases”. Diseases, the latter, which see young people as a risk category.
HPV, it is alarm in males. The appeal: extend vaccination up to 45 years
by Elvira Naselli

Girls, on the other hand, are more likely to visit the gynecologist, follow influencer gynecologists online, and are more informed. “But it doesn’t mean they have the right information,” he reasons Rossella Nappi, ordinary course at the obstetric and gynecological clinic at the San Matteo Irccs polyclinic in Pavia – because there is also a lot of fake news circulating on the web. The ideal would be to have dedicated health homes, which take care of young people at their first sexual intercourse and follow them along the path of life made up of vaccinations, such as HPV for males and females, but also prevention and treatment of their fertility , to then move on to possible pregnancy, maternity and menopause”.
Not just sexuality but love and respect
Explaining from an early age how your body is made is the key to talking not only about sexuality but about love and respect as a couple. And this can only be done at school. “In the Nordic countries it is done starting from the age of three” recalls Nappi at the meeting on health and intimacy education organized by Assosalute. And Italy is one of the last countries in Europe not to foresee anything similar. Little response also comes from families and adolescents continue to have important doubts about the relationship between two. Doubts to which they seek answers online or from their classmates.
Pregnancy, problems after childbirth for one in three women
by Celeste Ottaviani

But what are the most common disorders of males and females? For young women, “menstrual pain and premenstrual syndrome – Nappi details – cycle alterations and possible associated symptoms such as acne, hirsutism, hair loss or bone fragility. Often sexual pain and vulvodynia, i.e. pain affecting the external genitalia. After giving birth incontinence or urinary disorders, decreased sexual desire and vaginal laxity may occur, while in menopause the symptoms may be different such as hot flashes, sleep and mood disorders, vaginal dryness and/or pain during sexual intercourse”. For males the main disorders are urinary or ejaculation problems, which is often premature in very young people. Stress can also cause lack or collapse of erection, making sexual intercourse impossible. In other cases, stress is always the cause of premature orgasm”. These difficulties soon become difficulties for a couple, to be faced together. Pretending nothing happened is the worst choice.
Infertility problems
And when the goal becomes that of a child, the limited knowledge becomes important obstacles. “Almost 20% of couples have infertility problems – continues Nappi – furthermore, for work reasons and a poor social response, women begin to look for a child at an advanced age, at around 32 years of age. With these premises it is not It’s easy to have a child, and if you do, there’s no time to have a second. Appeals to have children aren’t enough: we need to offer concreteness and social assistance.”
The male difficulties are also added to the age of the woman. “Over the years the number of spermatozoa has reduced – De Rose details – but also the quality. Due to incorrect behaviour, but also to exposure to pollutants which have also led to a reduction in the size of the penis of almost a centimeter compared to 15 years ago and 23% of testicular volume and therefore sperm production.”
Waist size above 80cm? For every centimeter the risk of infertility increases
by Noemi Penna

Five tips
The number one tip is to get to know yourself: for young women it is important to convey the message that fertility requires healthy lifestyles and hormonal balance. But not only that: affective education is fundamental. Number two: carry out gynecological exams once a year, for men first visit at 15-18 years old. Number three: communicate your sexual needs and difficulties to your partner. Fourth point, prevention: important self-examination of breasts and testicles, always use a condom, get vaccinated against HPV, both males and females. Furthermore, a healthy lifestyle: correct nutrition, moderation in alcohol, no to any type of anabolic. Finally, soothe: some disorders, such as menstrual pain or cystitis, can be controlled with self-medication, probotic and prebiotic drugs. Just as ovules and pesticides can be used for vaginal dryness and hormonal changes. But be careful: if after a few days the problem doesn’t go away, avoid doing it yourself and contact your doctor. (e.nas.)
#Good #sexuality #built #kids
– 2024-03-15 03:37:52