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Good news, the Indian government exempts AD duty, bus and truck tires from Thailand.

Government of India exempts AD duty on bus and truck tires from Thailand at 337.80-527.08. USD per ton Pushing more Thai products to export Better compete with products from China

Mr Kirati Rachano, Director-General of the Department of Foreign Trade, said the latest order from the Indian government to waive AD duty or not to charge a dumping investigation. With goods, bus and truck tires from Thailand after the previous The results of the investigation came out that India will charge an AD duty on such products. Originating Or export from Thailand at the rate of 337.80-527.08 USD per tonne for a period of 5 years.

The AD duty exemption results in the And Thai exporters Able to export bus and truck tires to India Without being charged AD duty and able to maintain a commercial advantage In the Indian market

Such announcement This is good news for the manufacturer. Bus tire exporter And Thai trucks because in 2017 India has announced AD measures on the said goods Exported from China at the rate of 245.35-452.33 USD per ton

However, Thai exports still have to monitor the situation closely. Because in the results of the investigation found that There is dumping from Thailand at the rate 337.80-527.08 USD per ton Which has opportunities that the internal industry of India Will submit a request to the Ministry of Commerce and Industry Reopening the AD hearing

In the year 2020, Thailand exported bus and truck tires including tires, tubes and flaps to India worth 179.17 million baht.

In such a case, the Directorate General of Trade Remedies (DGTR), the Indian Ministry of Commerce and Industry, announced the results of the Final Findings on 27 Nov 2020 to levy AD duties on bus tires. And the truck has its origin Or export from Thailand at the rate of 337.80-527.08 USD per tonne for a period of 5 years.

As per India’s AD enforcement process, DGTR is required to present the outcome of the inquiry. To the Ministry of Finance To give approval and issue a declaration to the customs authority Continue charging AD duty.

But in this case, on March 1, 2021, the Tax Research Unit of the Ministry of Finance of India has recorded the Office Memorandum notifying DGTR that the Government of India. There is a verdict that Will not charge anti-dumping duty. From importing goods, tires for buses and trucks that originate Or export from Thailand as proposed by DGTR in the results of the most advanced investigation in such cases

In the past in the defense operation In the event that Thailand is under investigation for AD measures from trading partners Department of Foreign Trade Has tracked the progress In conducting close investigations, giving advice and reporting results to stakeholders. Know throughout the investigation process In order to best benefit the Thai exporter manufacturers to protect their interests in the inquiry.

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