Home » today » Entertainment » Good news for thousands of parents. They get paid if they go back to work – Evenimentul Zilei

Good news for thousands of parents. They get paid if they go back to work – Evenimentul Zilei

Parents should know this. Those who choose to give up parental leave sooner to return to work may receive a sum of money called an insertion incentive. However, it should be noted that this incentive received from the state cannot be combined with the child raising allowance.

To receive this amount of money, the parent must make a request, and its value will differ depending on when the parent chooses to return to work.

The value of the insertion incentive

From this summer, there will be two values ​​of the insertion incentive.
1,500 lei – in the case of parents who want to return to work before the child reaches the age of six months, respectively one year, in the case of a child with disabilities;

650 lei – in the case of parents who want to return to work at any time after the child reaches the age of six months, respectively one year, in the case of a child with disabilities.

Currently, the insertion incentive is granted until the child reaches the age of three, respectively four years, in the case of a child with disabilities, and is worth 650 lei.

However, from this summer, those who will choose to return before the age of six months of the child, respectively one year in the case of the child with disabilities, will receive the amount of 1,500 lei / month until the child is two years old. with disabilities), and then the incentive will be granted in the amount of 650 lei / month until the age of three of the child (four years for the one with disabilities).

According to the current rules, in order to return to work, parents must notify their employer of their intention at least 30 days before the time when they want to resume employment or employment. The request to the employer is made in writing, and if the applicant fulfills this obligation, the employer will not be able to “restrict the access of the employee to the granting of the insertion incentive”.

How to get the money

The insertion stimulus it is not granted automatically, but only upon request. Thus, if he makes a request in this regard when leaving the parental leave, any of the child’s parents can benefit from this incentive.

In addition to the application for granting the insertion incentive, according to GEO no. 111/2010, the applicant must also submit the following documents:

the identity card of the applicant and the birth certificate of the child for whom the right or the family booklet is requested (originals and copies);

supporting documents showing that, in the last two years prior to the child’s birth, the applicant has earned taxable income for at least 12 months;

proof issued by the employer or the competent bodies regarding the realized income;

any other documents attesting the fulfillment of the eligibility conditions (the fact that the applicant lives in Romania together with the child / children for whom he / she is requesting the money).

According to the methodological norms for the application of GEO 111/2010, which are found in GD 52/2011, the documents are submitted to the county agency for payments and social inspection, respectively to the municipality Bucharest.

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