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Good News for Diabetics, Blood Sugar Levels Can Drop Just By Drinking Green Tea Every Day


Drinking green tea can help lower blood sugar levels

Nakita.id – Drinking tea It has become a tradition for almost all people in the world, not only in Indonesia.

In England, for example, the habit of drinking tea is also very popular to create variations of tea English Breakfast which is said to be the best tea to drink in the morning.

In Indonesia, almost all regions also have a tradition of drinking tea.

The tradition of tea in each region in Indonesia is also different.

While in Central Java and Yogyakarta, it is identical with thick black tea, in East Java the taste of the tea tends to be fragrant and like vanilla.

Not only delicious to consume, tea also turns out to bring many benefits with the compounds contained in it.

Certain types of tea can also provide benefits for people with diabetes because they are able to lowers blood sugar levels.

For someone who has diabetes, regulating blood sugar levels is very important to avoid the risk of complications.

Also Read: Diabetes and Obesity Owners Find Solutions, Regularly Consuming Green Coffee Effectively Cut Weight and Control Blood Sugar

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