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Good news: Dolphin saved with game | 100 km wheelchair ride NOW

Due to the bad news that usually dominates the front page of NU.nl, the good news often disappears. That is why we make an overview of positive news from the past day.

French dolphin rescued from Amsterdam harbor with buoy play

The bottlenose dolphin that stranded in the ports of Amsterdam on Saturday morning went successfully to IJmuiden on Sunday pilotedt. That worked through a game with captivate to rig. It turned out to be a well-known, solitary living dolphin that often resides off the French coast and has been nicknamed Zafar, SOS Dolphin says.

Solitary living dolphins often seek contact with people and ships. Zafar had swum from France to the Netherlands with the sailing ship Tres Hombres, but could not stay in the port of Amsterdam. The brackish water there is bad for his health.

To go back into the sea he only had to go through a lock. This is usually very exciting for dolphins, but thanks to the buoy game it eventually worked out. That Zafar loves to play with buoys and ropes, SOS Dolphin received from France.

Limburger supports animal park with a wheelchair ride of 100 kilometers

Henk Baggen, 54, from Limbricht in Limburg, traveled 100 kilometers with his wheelchair on Sunday, reports The Limburger Monday. With his ride he supports Dierenpark Born, which is struggling because of the corona crisis.

Baggen works as a volunteer in the park and has been in a wheelchair for 41 years due to a spinal cord injury. In total he took ten hours to complete the ride, which he completed in four stages. A day after the long drive, he had no muscle pain, writes The Limburger: “No, not that. I was fairly fit at the finish, I must say honestly. That’s because I was able to drive for a nice goal.”

The Netherlands commemorates from home

On May 4 and 5, the Netherlands commemorates the victims of World War II and celebrates 75 years of liberation. Despite the corona crisis, many commemorations continue in the Netherlands, albeit in an adapted form and without an audience.

Because of the corona measures, the commemoration mainly takes place at home. At 8 p.m., the whole of the Netherlands is silent for two minutes. To still have a sense of it togetherness , the committee called on musicians to play the traditional tattoo signal exactly half a minute after 7:58 pm.

Microbe protects mosquitoes (and possibly people) against malaria

Scientists have discovered a microbe that protects mosquitoes from a malaria infection, reports BBC News. According to the research team in Kenya and the United States, the find offers “enormous potential”.

People get malaria when bitten by an infected mosquito. If mosquitoes are protected, it can also work out well for people. The team will conduct more studies in Kenya to test the method.

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