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Good morning! – News from Burgas

A wonderful day begins

Good morning on Sunday 16.07.2023.

The temperature will be between 21 and 27 degrees. It will be sunny. The wind will be weak from the east at a speed of 5 m/s.

Lucky of the day

“Do not waste precious moments of present reality trying to unravel the mysteries of life. There’s a reason secrets are secrets.’


The Orthodox Church celebrates the Holy Martyr Julia – the legend says that Julia was born in Carthage and came from a noble and Christian family. But when the Persians conquered the city, they kidnapped many people from the city. Julia, although she was a minor at the time, also ended up among the captives. A merchant from Syria bought her and he tried for a long time to dissuade her from her faith, but Julia did not deny Christ. Her death occurred when, accompanying her master, St. Julia landed on the island of Corsica during pagan celebrations. The girl categorically refused to participate in their rituals, so she was subjected to humiliation and cruelty – her tormentors decided to destroy her, just as the Jews had crucified Christ, so they made a cross and crucified the martyr on it.

Name day is celebrated by: Julia, Julian, Yuli



During this day, it will be quite difficult for you to come to terms with your feelings for your loved one or for the one who claims this honorary title. If you do not know firmly what name to give to the process taking place in your soul, it is better not to name it. Let it crystallize more clearly.


Your loved one can be envied today, because you will understand him from half a word or half a look. May you enjoy such understanding more often! As is well known, when the doctor is full, it is easier for the patient. So as soon as your partner is happy, you will also taste a piece of that happiness.


You must be extremely careful in your work. There is a high probability of failures, as well as annoying mistakes, to which someone will necessarily seek to attract the attention of the bosses. Be extremely careful if you have to deal with ill-wishers or people you don’t like: today you may become a victim of their intrigues. Those who love you are lenient with your weaknesses, and therefore today they will forgive you both whims and omissions. The day is suitable for romantic meetings and social outings. Unexpected gifts are possible.


During this day, your loved one may act inappropriately and unpredictably. But not for you: you learned his patterns of behavior a long time ago and know them by heart. You will probably have to explain to those around you what it means and why it does it, and even warn them of possible dangers.


During this day, you will obviously feel like flirting with someone. At the same time, the existence of your permanent loved one will not be an obstacle at all: after all, it is not a question of infidelity, but only a light flirtation – a kind of training of one’s own attractiveness and irresistibility. Let’s hope he understands this!…


Looking in the mirror in the morning, you will obviously decide that you need to change your image. The stars advise you not to make drastic changes today, but to limit yourself only to the hairstyle. Take some time today during the day and go to the salon. You can also dye your hair, but not in some bright striking color, because you risk being a stranger…


You must be fully aware of the impression you are making on people. Very often you throw in witty lines or insightful remarks and immediately walk away, not realizing that you’ve just shocked someone. You have a lot more attention span than you realize, and the people you’re trying to impress have noticed this a long time ago. Next time you’re courting, wait until after the climax and enjoy the dithyrambs. Your thoughts spread and take on a life of their own.


You may get the feeling that someone liked what you own. Keep an eye on your possessions, and even more so on your ideas. Someone has noticed the way you work, started watching you, and wants to buy off your methods. This watcher is quietly creeping into your territory, but you’ve gone to great lengths to fence off your personal space, and now you’re not letting outsiders intrude. Protect yours with all your might.


Serious problems will not arise, but nevertheless your mood cannot be called good in any way. You will be gripped by anxiety, the real reasons for which neither you nor anyone else will be able to guess. You will be surrounded by attention, but this, in the end, will be unpleasant for you. People who will try to cheer you up will only remind you of the problems. The day is successful for solving commercial tasks. Your business acumen will be very sharp today. You may consider major purchases and investments, including those that require borrowing. You will not even be denied credit.


A suitable day to meet old friends and generally with people you have known for a long time. New acquaintances, unfortunately, will not be so pleasant. You may also have problems in relations with your loved one: it will be very difficult to avoid disagreements, and each of them can become the cause of serious disagreements, even if the work concerns secondary things. Use the day to implement long-standing plans, but only if you are able to overcome all obstacles on your own.


During this day, you will be able to enjoy harmonious family relations, mutual respect and wonderful communication in love. Financial speculation related to real estate and services is likely to bring you luck. You don’t have to be cunning and twisted. If you act openly, this will be the bet for your success!


The day is associated with pleasant family events, and it is also possible to receive good news from distant relatives. Indeed, Piscean parents may become anxious as their children are likely to experience unexpected difficulties. Keep a peaceful mood and believe in your descendants: they will deal with many of the problems themselves. Today you can pamper yourself, and the day promises the fulfillment of some long-standing wishes. Only when communicating with little-known people, you should be extremely careful – there is a risk of saying unnecessary things and thereby incurring the anger of others.

What to read

The Japanese Lover

Rani Manika

Parvati leaves her native Ceylon to marry a wealthy businessman in Malaysia. The naïve young girl learns to play the part of a sophisticated mistress of a luxurious mansion. Adopts her husband’s illegitimate child and treats Rubini as her own daughter – a generous act rewarded with a long-awaited son.

But Parvati’s life lacks passion and she longs for passionate love. During the occupation of Malaysia in World War II, the Japanese confiscated the estate. Her husband dies and Parvati is forced to accept the protection of the Japanese general who took her home.

And her enemy turns into the lover she’s always longed for…

A joke

A diverse mass of tourists enjoy nature in the Rhodopes – and some even try out the acoustics and echoes of the mountain.

A Frenchman calls out:

– Josephine, I love you!

The echo repeats:

– I love Josephine!

An American calls out:

– I love parries!

The echo repeats:

– I love money!

A Chinese calls out:

– Eat and love auspicious eight-treasure rice

The echo:

– Q’vo cheeeeeeee?

Now smile! A wonderful day begins!

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