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Good morning! – Burgasnews

A wonderful day begins

Good morning on Thursday 07.09.2023.

The temperature will be between 19 and 26 degrees. It will be mostly sunny. The wind will be semi-strong from the northeast at a speed of 8 m/s.

Lucky of the day

“Success should be measured not so much by the position a man has attained in life as by the obstacles he has overcome while trying to succeed.” – Booker T. Washington



Somehow today will become an exceptional occasion to remember someone’s childhood: maybe yours, maybe your partner’s too. Go to school, meet the teachers and walk the noisy school corridors. You will be flooded with a wave of memories, followed by a wave of tenderness.


Today, in the course of events, there will be unexpected changes that cannot fail to cut you short. Most likely, new worries and commitments will be added to you, and you will remain hoping that they will be pleasant. On top of everything, your loved one will refuse to share any of their secrets with you because they will be afraid of telling you, or you will decide that it does not concern you. Don’t worry – you’ll figure it all out a little later!


The decrease in vitality and excessive emotionality towards family and romantic relationships will be the cause of your bad mood. And perhaps the emotional non-acceptance of professional duties… Financial constraints and difficulties can stimulate your professional activity. If you are used to saving your time and money, and in any case fulfilling your obligations (professional, family or parental), the day will pass quite calmly. But try to be lazy and afford more than necessary, and you will be mercilessly punished. If you try to break this immutable rule, you will see for yourself. The day is not very suitable for making purchases, preparing financial reports and making capital investments. And when communicating with what you have available, be very careful!…


In the morning, you might get the materials you missed to continue working on that project you can’t wait to finish. By midday, you’ll reach the tipping point where you’ll either block or get the all clear. Will you make every possible effort to receive congratulations and universal recognition? Or are you just going to hand out tasks – who gets to do what – and let it all fall apart? Of course you will see things through!


You will be able to implement bold plans related to professional activity. The day is very suitable for discussing business prospects and other important issues in an informal setting. It may also be an opportunity to start your own business. Surprises and gifts, impromptu holidays and entertainment are likely. It is not recommended to undertake long journeys. If they are in the company of their loved one, misunderstandings may arise. The end of the day will be associated with a deterioration in self-esteem, and during this time it is better not to plan responsible tasks.


Today, it will not be enough for your loved one to understand that something is wrong in your relationship, coming to this theoretical conclusion. Practice must painfully hit him on the nose to finally think about the irony and correctness of his actions. And that’s up to you…


You may buy jewels, antiques and other valuable things as the day is very favorable for such activity. Try not to save for yourself and your loved ones, because the statement that the dear pays twice will be confirmed many times today. You will have the opportunity to invest in a business, but only if you have studied in detail the project you want to finance, and not do it blindly. A person will appear in your environment, causing conflicting feelings: he will both attract and repel. There is a possibility that they will deliberately derail you, as anyone who has lost their mental balance can be much easier to manage.


This day for Scorpios will be not only difficult, but also dangerous: acting in a hurry, you risk harming yourself and others. Nervous overload can lead to serious illnesses, so try to keep calm and avoid stressful situations. It is better to give up extreme sports and participation in traumatic games. In communication, exercise cautioncaution: it is quite possible to find people in your environment who are ready to take advantage of your selflessness and willingness to help. And your advice would hardly be understood correctly.


Throughout the day you will be attracted by some mystery. From the morning you will try not to make your actions public. It’s not that you won’t want to share with friends, but you won’t start spouting off your ideas about everything and everyone. In the second half of the day, you will want to hide your feelings, impressions, sympathies and experiences from outsiders. A secret love affair or participation in a financial affair is not excluded.


Until the evening, you risk being torn between professional duties and the need to arrange your private life (for example, to participate in solving important family issues and in eliminating household problems(). Do not shy away from communicating with your loved ones if you do not want to spoil your relations with them, or create the ground for future scandals. At the same time, do not forget about the realization of your plans. It is not recommended to engage in things related to real estate or marriage.


The day is associated with very significant expenses. Remember that the savings should be reasonable and not excessive, otherwise you will have to pay twice. Do not try to shine with organizational abilities. Today there is no one to appreciate that. Relations with relatives are not arranged very favorably. At the most inopportune moment, they will remind themselves of the accumulated contradictions. You are quick-tempered and irritable, but you quickly manage to calm down, and those around you cannot calm down so easily.


There will be an opportunity to make several profitable, but unfortunately mutually exclusive deals. Choose the one that seems more reliable to you: you should not take risks without a particular need. The day is not bad for starting your own work or investing in a business where you will be together with relatives and friends. Unexpectedly, there will be an opportunity to settle long-standing family conflicts. In the personal sphere, you will manage to find many original and extremely effective solutions. In others, this will cause surprise and admiration for your abilities.

What to read

In this riveting novel, Danielle Steele tells the story of five women who made a high bet on their careers at a boutique literary and film agency in New York.

High stakes

Daniel Steele

Jane Addison is young, smart and ambitious and has just started work at the prestigious agency Fletcher and Benson. Her boss Hayley West is devoted to work at the expense of the chaos and problems in her personal life after the untimely death of her husband, who leaves her with three young children. There’s also Francine Rivers, the stern-looking, impeccable director of the literature department, who is also raising her two children alone after a bitter divorce and financial difficulties, from which she escaped at the cost of an unbearable sacrifice.

Compared to them, Ali Moore seems to have it all. She enjoys success and loves working with the talented actors she represents until a passionate affair with one of her star clients puts her career on the line. And Meriwether Jones, the CFO, seems to have the perfect marriage until her husband’s jealousy over her career threatens to destroy her happiness.

New employee Jane quickly discovers that dark secrets lurk behind the doors of the prestigious agency. She has the least power, but is the most uncompromising and throws herself into a daring battle, the consequences of which will turn everyone’s lives upside down.

A joke

– Wait, woman! Why are you calling me an alcoholic? Is beer made from hops?

– Yes.

– Brandy is made from grapes, right?

– Yes.

“Vodka is made from barley, isn’t it?”

– Yes.

“Well, then?” So I’m a vegan, not an alcoholic…

Now smile! A wonderful day begins!

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