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Good morning! – Burgasnews

A wonderful day begins!

Good morning on Friday 12.08.2023.

The temperature will be between 19 and 29 degrees. It will be sunny. The wind will be moderate from the east at a speed of 6 m/s.

Lucky of the day

“It is in everyone’s nature to err, but only the foolish persist in error.” Aristotle


August 12 was declared International Youth Day by resolution 54/120 of the UN General Assembly in December 1999. and has been officially celebrated since 2000.

The initiative aims to direct public attention both to the problems of young people and to their achievements and contributions to political, socio-economic and cultural development at global, national and local levels.

On this day, public events and campaigns are organized around the world, including the participation of young people in making important decisions in all areas of public life.

In Bulgaria, the holiday has been celebrated since 2007.



This day will not be so bad for you. New tasks will appear, the solution of which will not only captivate you, but also allow you to discover unexpected talents in yourself. You can ask for new hobbies or discover an additional source of income. Your circle of communication will expand, but the people striving to be next to you are not as good and useless as you think. Clarity is needed to avoid unnecessary contacts. They will seem unfriendly to someone, but this is not a big problem. In the evening, your self-esteem may decrease and insomnia is not excluded.


Be prepared for professional difficulties. The idea, which seems extraordinary and brilliant, will not meet the support of partners and colleagues. Also, some bold decisions and innovations can earn you a reputation as a “weirdo” who is not to be trusted when it comes to something really serious. The day is as bad for work as it is good for rest and various entertainments. You will have many opportunities to spend your pleasant time. Do not refuse an invitation to the theater, cinema or concert.


Unexpectedly, there will be a need to meet a person who is unpleasant to you. Don’t postpone the meeting! You will receive not very inspiring, but quite useful information. There is a possibility that for some representatives of your sign, the day will be associated with the destruction of illusions and the end of the “lie for salvation” period, which lie never saved you. It is clear that you stoically bear the blows of fate and conduct yourself to the highest degree with dignity. New acquaintances are possible and people will appear in your environment who will understand and appreciate you.


During this day, it will be difficult for your loved one to understand where friendship ends and love begins, which can seriously affect your relationship with him. Your task is to clearly distinguish these concepts for him and for yourself, so that the transition from one to the other will never again disturb you.


Attachment to parents, birthplaces, and also to the marriage partner will imperceptibly gain strength on this day. You may also feel a strong attraction to socializing with people you consider your friends and who are unusual and original personalities. Your marriage or business partner is unlikely to be inclined to complete frankness today. If their attitude towards you is good, they may quite deliberately hide some truths about life, or some circumstances of their personal life. Incentives and practice will be quite good.


You can make significant progress in any activity if you abandon proven methods for fundamentally new ones. Today, even thoughtless actions will yield good results, and you may be guided exclusively by your intuition and inspiration. It is also pleasant that the day is not associated with serious dangers, nor with great losses. You can discuss and solve family problems, and make your own suggestions – they will definitely be listened to. Your ideas are liked, and therefore you should not be surprised that you are the soul of any company.


Today it will be quite difficult and lonely for you, since your loved one will not be distinguished by decisiveness and talkativeness, which means that you have to show all the initiative independently and without anyone’s help, and this will not help to improve the mood.


It will be best if you move into the shadows. Your originality and individuality attract people who are not worth having anything to do with. Foresight is extremely important. Without it, you will create quite a few problems for yourself and your loved ones. Be economical: the money that you are going to spend today on pleasant but insignificant things, you may soon need for something much more important. Be careful about your health: weakness and exacerbation of chronic diseases are possible.


It’s all over – at least for now. The feverish activity of the workplace is now over and everything is finally falling into place. This does not mean that you will not have to use time and effort to stay above water, and your reputation will remain unsullied. But you may unexpectedly find that you have to make time for relatives and loved ones. Visit them. and be sure to receive an extremely warm welcome.


Everything is going well, and today will make you happy. It is equally suitable for new ventures and for regular activities. The important thing is that what you spend time on actually interests you. You can engage in sports or physical labor – this will be equally useful for self-esteem and mood. Your relationships with loved ones are good, and you can easily talk about anything without fear of misunderstanding. The second half of the day will bring you unpleasant surprises of a personal nature.


A very successful day: today will just go your way. You might, for example, take on a hopeless project and bring it to a brilliant end. Or walk into the store with half-empty pockets and walk out with something stunning at a ridiculous price. Or opt for a meeting with classmates, and meet a person you’ve wanted to see for a long time. That’s exactly why you need to take an active life position. If you are unemployed – you will simply spend your time pleasantly. If you get down to something, you will not only have a good time, but also have a wonderful result. The choice is yours.


Today, your loved one will unexpectedly want to please you with something. Therefore, try not to really expect anything and believe that the surprise will turn out to be a real feast for your soul and in the end it will not disappoint you. The stars wish you luck.

What to read

Hearts to burn

Jonathan Barker

A boy meets a girl in a cemetery. People in white take the girl away in a white jeep. The boy sees the girl on the same bench in the same cemetery a year later. Coincidence? Doom? Destiny?

After the tragic death of his parents, Jack Thatch lives with his Aunt Jo. One day (August 8, to be exact), when he and his aunt are at the cemetery, Jack sees a dark-haired girl sitting on a bench reading Great Expectations by Dickens. It is eight years old, its name is Stella, and after a few minutes it disappears, but the kid is already in the grip of the mystery. Stella will appear again and again in his life, always in the same place and on the same date. Shrouded in mystery, enigmatic, even a little sinister – he is obsessed with her.

A joke

– And before we got married, you said that you were ready to die for me!

– Okay, well, give them these meatballs!

Now smile! A wonderful day begins!

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