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Good morning! – Burgasnews

A wonderful day begins

Good morning on Monday 15.01.2024.

The weather

The temperature will be between -3 and 9 degrees. It will be mostly cloudy. The wind will be moderate from the southwest at a speed of 6 m/s.

Lucky of the day

Our only limitations are material. There are no obstacles to thought.


On January 15, name day is celebrated by everyone who bears the name Gavril, Gavrila and their derivatives.

Venerable Gavriil Lesnovski is one of the three great followers of the Rila desert dweller St. Ivan of Rila. He lived in the 11th – 12th century. He was born in the village of Osice, Palaneshko (Macedonia). He came from rich Bulgarian parents and received a good education. When he came of age, his parents betrothed him to a bride of good birth. Soon, however, his fiancée died. Then he entered a monastery and accepted monasticism.

With the inheritance he received from his parents, Gavriil built a monastery with a church in the name of St. Michael the Archangel in Lesnovska Planina, North Macedonia, near the present city of Kratovo. The venerable father gathered monks, appointed them an abbot, and he himself secluded himself in the mountain of hermitage and silence, doing asceticism for 30 years.

After the Ottoman invasion of Bulgaria, the traces of the holy relics of Venerable Gavriil Lesnovsky were lost. The monastery he founded was later named after him and became an important literary center.


You have a whole day in which you can fully devote yourself to your favorite activity – communicating with other people. In the evening get ready, take a break from it. You may even feel like seclusion. Even the representatives of such a passionate and sociable sign occasionally have the thought that home is the only place they would like to be. Don’t resist your urge – think of it as a chance to take a breather.


Even in a situation close to critical, do not lose your composure. Resolve disputes in a legal and fair way. Do not show excessive aggression and do not try to bribe those around you with your charm. Wherever you are, do not forget the sense of duty, discipline and personal responsibility. Follow the recommendations of the doctor, supervisor or authority representatives in a timely manner. Remember that your success depends on cooperation with other people, and do not strive for sole management and complete control over things.


Today, your loved one will have to explain a long and verbose truth to you, which is obvious from his point of view, and which you should understand from half a word. After all, if after the confused explanations you still manage to experience some feelings, then everything was not in vain.


From time to time, we all get a chance to be in the spotlight, especially when it comes to relationships. It’s about starting, stopping or taking them to a fundamentally new, serious level. Now it’s your turn, and you will definitely make the most of this chance. The good news is this. That a few prudent celestials remain on the lookout, and will be more than happy to lend you their support. For everything you need to do, listen to your own intuition.


During this day, you will really want to stick a label on your loved one that will immediately explain all the peculiarities of his character. For example, a workaholic. Or a coward. This should not be done: the person is much more versatile and interesting than you want to imagine.


Loneliness in the crowd – this is for you. Even with your loved one, you will feel misunderstood and unnecessary to anyone. Try not to show your mood in any way in front of your loved one, because he may decide that everything is because of him and get upset. And, in truth, there is no fault.


On this day, your loved one will want to fully demonstrate his erudition, reading, logic and other useful mental habits that he practically does not possess. The flip side of the coin is that he can completely start asserting himself at your expense, and this is no longer good…


The very fact that you have just allowed someone to congratulate you in public is already a big step for you. Indeed, you have every reason to treat yourself to a dinner at a restaurant, or to do some other pleasant trifle for yourself. But let’s not forget that you are receiving this incentive for a very good reason. Forward! Do not give up!


The day is very suitable for activities that require attention, effort and diligence. Do not count on the fact that you will be able to reach the set goals in a short time – you will have to work hard for a long time. Business relations will be arranged harmoniously at first glance, but do not expect boundless devotion from your partners, so as not to be disappointed. The day is associated with seductions and temptations. New temptations are not as fleeting as you would like to think, and the sympathies born on this day will quickly grow into a serious feeling.


You have a day ahead, which is particularly favorable for commercial activity and starting work on your own business projects. Your opportunities are greatly increased thanks to self-confidence. Negotiations will be successful and you will have the opportunity to conclude profitable contracts. Be more determined and don’t limit yourself to half-measures, because your successes today can be truly colossal. Things are no worse in the sphere of personal relationships, where stability and mutual understanding reign. Postpone unpleasant conversations and enjoy communication with the person you care about.


Today it will seem to you that what you have been doing together with your loved one for so many days is boring enough, and therefore you have to come up with something new, gratifying and interesting, and preferably together, so that you can then to rejoice together.


Today, your loved one will be particularly bright and memorable, not only for you, but also for others. You will feel like the half of the real star, and this will flatter you a lot. But it will also scare you, because after all, this is also a certain responsibility…

What to read

Everyone goes crazy in their own way

Stefan Capalik

Stefan Chapaliku’s novel Everyone Goes Mad in His Own Way is an autobiographical trilogy that parallels the changes in the life of an individual and society in Albania over the past fifty years.

This edition presents the first of three books in which the narrator is still a child. He feels himself at the center of the universe – the provincial hometown of Shkodra, or more precisely at the center of the compass, encompassing several concentric circles: his parents, other relatives, neighbors and friends, city buildings and institutions. Beyond them stretches the “big world”, with which television connects them as the main novelty in the lives of generations of Albanians.

The author’s style is light, funny, (self)ironic, and everything that the child-narrator does not seem to understand well is perfectly understood by the outside reader. The book is read in one sitting and one can learn a lot from it about the long period of time during which Albania was closed to the world.

A joke

A French magazine published in Paris announced a competition for a short story describing the awakening of the city and its inhabitants.

First prize went to the author of the following work: “I get up, have breakfast, get dressed and go home”.

Now smile! A wonderful day begins!

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