Good morning on Wednesday 06.12.2023.
The weather
The temperature will be between 3 and 10 degrees. It will be mostly cloudy with light rain. The wind will be weak from the northeast at a speed of 5 m/s.
Lucky of the day
Before you give up everything for the sake of great love, think about what you will be left with if love gives up on you.
Saint Nicholas – Nicholas Day
Name day: Nikol, Nikola, Nikolay, Nikolina, Nikolinka, Nikoleta, Nenka, Nina, Ninka, Kolyo, Niko, Nice
In the Orthodox faith of the Bulgarians, Saint Nikolay Mirlikiyski (Saint Nicholas), whose name means “Victorious”, is revered as the patron saint of fishermen. According to the popular Christian myth of the division of the world, the seas, rivers, and lakes fell to him. He is the master of the entire underwater world – fish and water demons.
Memories are a wonderful thing when they evoke warm feelings and affection for loved ones and when they remind you that it was the past that made you the person you are now.
But if these memories excite or worry you too much, it can negatively affect the present. Walk down the paths of your memory and consider which memories in it are better to erase. Don’t let nostalgia make you believe this was never true.
Today is an exceptional day for collaborative assessment. Find an hour or two today to sit together and discuss what has been done, what has not been done, and what remains to be done or not done. Try to be as honest and frank as possible, and this will help you draw more correct conclusions.
Today you will terribly wish to become someone else, but not yourself. You will very carefully imitate a character from your favorite movie or book. What if – this is a commendable decision and is even useful for the development of one’s own personality, but you must not forget that your loved one loves you, and not the image that, for unknown reasons, you have decided to impose on yourself.
When was the last time you read an interesting book? Why not turn to friends whose taste you can trust and consult with them, asking them to recommend one or another piece to you? Or choose something from the classics, which are considered so not just because, but because these books are really good. And then make yourself a big cup of hot chocolate and spend the evening reading. You’ll be glad you did.
A tense and complicated day, literally woven from unpleasant surprises and disappointments, among which only sometimes and by chance modest joys will fall. Try not to be particularly impressed by the criticism of relatives, the remarks of strangers and the jokes of friends – pay attention only to what you enjoy listening to.
In serious matters, you can count on the support and understanding of your loved one, but in trifles you will not have unanimity, and this will sometimes spoil the mood of both of you. Try not to become the initiator of changes, as this applies not only to relationships, but also to your image, as the results will differ from expectations.
Today, your loved one will become the happy owner of special rights and powers that no other person has in this vast world. You can only hope that he will dispose of the received treasure carefully and wisely, as befits your mate…
The star configuration is such that it suggests your attunement to rest and clarification of your own energetic potential. Use the day to find new strength within yourself. Special relaxation exercises and awakening creative ideas will help you with this. Relations with relatives will change in a favorable direction. For many things, you will have to make a compromise and calm the sparks that erupt in you.
Enough! Finally, it’s time to let go of all those dangerous feelings you’ve had to deal with. Try to cope with them, and even allow yourself some entertainment. Probably just by the thought that you will relax and stop worrying and feel better, you will really be fine. But if you want to lift your spirits, plan to spend some time with your loved one.
Your relatives feel a lack of attention, so give them as much time as possible. Encouraging financial receipts are looming for today. Everything would be fine, but for now it’s only at the “projects” level. During the first half of the day, it will be difficult for you to “switch on” to work mode.
You must first wake up well enough and concentrate. The advice of the stars is to avoid vanity, not to talk too much, and to save your energy. It would be nice if you could get some rest.
Do with ideas what bodybuilders do with their bodies. Take the idea, add the necessary amount of “nutrients”, train it, develop it, and in the end you will get such a result that can withstand the competition even at the international level!
It is possible that one day your idea can be realized in the political sphere. Chances are you’ll make a lot of money, and with your organization and reputation as a goal-oriented person, with discipline, and also with your talent, you can turn not-so-bad ideas into great ones.
Today, the representatives of this sign of the Zodiac will be more than usual attentive to trifles, and therefore it will be very easy for them to cope with tasks that require attention, accuracy and concentration.
At the same time, the creative potential of the representatives of this sign is high, and therefore the usual activities or the performance of daily duties can be turned by them into an exciting action. It is possible to receive pleasant notifications from far away. Some Aquarians will have to hit the road. The stars advise you to be more cautious with people you don’t know.
Today you have to amaze your loved one with your culinary skills. Prepare something delicious, even if it is called by the banal word “sandwich”. Fantasy and unusually mixed ingredients are very important.
What to read

Lost roses
Martha Hall Kelly
1914 year. Iliza Ferriday sets off on a long-awaited trip to St. Petersburg to visit her friend Sofia Streshnyova, a cousin of the Romanov imperial dynasty.
He can already imagine admiring the treasures of Russia: the cathedral with mosaics of precious stones, the Rembrandt paintings in the Emperor’s Winter Palace, the famous Russian ballet…
However, her plans are thwarted when Austria declares war on Serbia, and the Russian imperial dynasty fails to cope with the looming danger.
Eliza was barely able to return to America before the war broke out, and Sofia and her family left for their country estate. There they hire a local girl, Varinka, unaware of the danger they are exposing themselves to.
A joke
In yet another scandal, a woman shouts at her husband:
– Disappear! Leave the house now!
The man bows his head and walks out. The woman continues to scream:
“I hope you die a long and painful death!”
The man stops and turns:
– Well, finally decide! Now you want me to stay…