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Good morning! – Burgasnews

A great day to smile!

Good morning on Saturday 11/18/2023

The weather

The temperature will be between 2 and 12 degrees. It will be cloudy with rain. The wind will be moderate from the northwest at a speed of 6 m/s.

Lucky of the day

“The real question is not whether there is life after death. The real question is whether you are alive before you die.”



St. brothers Platon and Roman – November 18

St. Plato was born in the city of Ankara to pious parents who raised him in the Christian law. His brother Antiochus died as a martyr, and soon after young Plato was also called to trial for the faith. The ruler of the country tried to persuade him to renounce. The governor ordered Plato to be taken to prison. Many people gathered in front of the prison, among which there were Christians.

Plato, addressing them, said in a loud voice: “Know, brethren, that I suffer not for any crime, but only for confessing the true God, Who made heaven and earth and the whole world. Please, Christians, do not be embarrassed by watching my sufferings!

Many are the sorrows of the righteous, and the Lord will deliver him from them all. Let us stand firm on the immovable rock of faith and not be afraid to suffer for godliness, because the sufferings of this age are incomparable to the glory prepared for us.”

After that, the martyr went to prison.

Here, falling on his knees, he began to beg the Lord God to help him endure the tortures for the faith to the end and reveal His glory to the unbelievers.
God heard and fulfilled the prayer of the martyr. When after a week he was brought out for investigation and the governor subjected him to the most terrible tortures, everything proved powerless

. Plato remained healthy and unharmed and loudly praised and thanked God. After this they tormented him for a long time by starvation in the dungeon, and at last, persuading themselves that nothing would induce him to renounce his faith, they condemned him to death. Plato accepted the death blow with a prayer. He was cut with a sword in 266.


You can do everything the hard way or the easy way, depending on what kind of experience you want to gain. If you’re craving some old Dora drama, and having everyone around you roll their eyes as you create Oscar-worthy hysteria, you should definitely take the hard way.

On the other hand, if you want to break down problems into parts and deal with them one by one so you know how you can avoid similar situations in the future, take the easy way out.


Today, everyone will envy how beautiful and harmonious you look with your loved one. It seems as if some kind of radiance will emanate from you, which will not be able to remain unnoticed, and happiness will also flow from your couple. Do your best not to lose this.


Today, your loved one is going to help you in some difficult task, and he will successfully cope with this difficult task. And the success will be so overwhelming that you will only be able to marvel at his speed of finding solutions.


It is very important to keep calm today. Without him, this rather unsuccessful day will also become extremely complicated. Don’t take criticism to heart and ignore offensive jokes. Ignore the advice you don’t like and remember that the best thing you can do for yourself is to provide yourself with at least some mental comfort.

Avoid new acquaintances on this day, and do not start any serious relationships, but limit yourself to contacts with people you know for a long time, and very well. Reasonableness and composure will be extremely useful to you today. If you manage to deal with your urges, already in the second half of the day you will notice that things are looking up.


At the most unexpected moment, a sudden outburst of anger can change the course of a conversation that began in a calm and benevolent tone. Therefore, if you want to fix everything, show more tact and diplomacy to calm all participants in the conversation.

So try to explain in detail what you actually meant. You will be able to direct things in the right direction, and the heavens are very positively disposed towards you.


The recommendation of the stars is that today you forget about all generally recognized and generally accepted norms of decency, and behave with your loved one as you find necessary, and not as the surrounding society thinks. At the end of the day, your relationship is about you and you alone.


It is a day of great irritation. The reasons for it can be diverse – from everyday difficulties such as transportation problems, to global dissatisfaction with oneself and the universe. To come to terms with reality – this is your program – at least for this day.

Until you fulfill it, you will not enjoy professional successes, nor compliments and signs of attention, nor any family events. Be very careful in choosing books to read and movies to watch. Everything decadent, sad and tragic is against you today. Look for something more cheerful.


One day, your loved one will analyze the relationship between you for a long time – probably with a sheet of paper, tables and formulas to calculate what would offend both of you in the near future. Whatever his conclusions, remember that everything can change, as long as there is a desire.


Today, the stars do not recommend you to abuse alcohol. Of course, a glass of wine with a nice dinner is not a problem at all, but if possible – no more. It will be unpleasant for your loved one to look at you in a drunken state, and even less to kiss you.


Today, it will be quite difficult for your loved one to come to terms with the fact that he has completed some successive stage of your relationship. Try to convince him that the next one is starting soon, and it will be much better, brighter, warmer and more interesting than the previous one.


You are not afraid to take risks for what you believe in. For example, if you think that you and a certain person have chances to end up connected with quite special feelings, you will not be afraid, at the risk of being in an awkward situation, to tell him this. Of course, you don’t always win in the casino of life, but every now and then you hit the jackpot.


Don’t be afraid to retire to your home. It is possible that this will turn out to be more interesting than mechanically moving along the usual route, or communicating with the representatives of your daily circle of contacts, who are quite bored of you.

It is possible to get unlimited access to the Internet resources you need right at home. You will also be able to communicate with your children at will, find a book that has been lost somewhere, or talk about common problems together with your relatives.

Your family will further bond by discussing common issues or by watching an interesting movie.


What to read

The home of Gucci
The history of Gucci is a story of luxury, eccentricity, intrigue, ups and downs, but also a real renaissance in the fashion industry.

The home of Gucci

Sarah G. Forden

The shocking true story that rocked the mighty Gucci dynasty inspired renowned director Ridley Scott, who turned it into one of the blockbusters of 2021, starring Adam Driver, Lady Gaga, Jeremy Irons, Salma Hayek, Jared Leto, Jack Huston and Al Pacino!

On March 27, 1995, Maurizio Gucci, heir to the legendary fashion family, was mowed down by an unknown assassin on his way to his office in Milan. In 1998, his ex-wife Patricia Reggiani Martinelli, known in the media as the Black Widow, was sentenced to 29 years in prison for ordering and organizing the crime in question.

Did Patricia commit the crime because her husband’s financial profligacy was uncontrollable? Did she do it because she knew that her husband was about to marry his mistress? And is it possible that Patricia is actually innocent?

The history of Gucci is a story of luxury, eccentricity, intrigue, ups and downs, but also a real renaissance in the fashion industry.

Exquisitely written, meticulously researched and critically acclaimed around the world, Sarah G. Forden’s The House of Gucci is a scandalous tale of haute couture, great wealth and heart-wrenching personal tragedy that will engross you and hold your attention until the very last page. and then it will ferment in your mind for a long time.

A joke

– If I drink in the evening, in the morning I am literally beaten! And you?

– I am a bachelor.

Now smile and tell the world: A wonderful day is about to begin!

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