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Good morning! – Burgasnews – 2024-10-25 04:14:00

A wonderful day begins

A wonderful day begins!

Happy people build their inner world. Unhappy people blame the outside world.

Daily horoscope


During this day, the partner or superior may be in a bad mood, which is why he (or she) may not share your optimism and be skeptical of your plans. It is not the best time to share new proposals, speak in front of a large audience, or report to your boss. It is not recommended to get married, clarify relations with parents, conclude official agreements (especially long-term), as well as conduct negotiations with lawyers, lawyers, buyers and insurance agents. If communication is unavoidable, be extremely correct.


Today may become a pleasant exception to the rules for you: Your loved one may behave atypically and extremely surprisingly. He, unfortunately, has never treated you like this before, and your only wish would be if this day could never end.


Not a bad day for those who are able to stick to a schedule. It is in the observance of previously created plans that the key to success in the professional sphere lies. The less you experiment and improvise, the better. Difficulties in communication are possible, even with people you have known well for a long time. This is precisely why it is pointless to discuss any serious issues: it will only lead to disagreements and insults. In the evening, unexpected visits are possible that will excite you.


Today you are about to deal with a complex task that will be set by your loved one. Try to handle everything with maximum diligence and effort. Otherwise, even at the slightest failure, you will be accused of not wanting this to happen, and indirectly conclusions will be drawn about your attitude towards the person in question.


The stars recommend that you plan a secular day today. Fast some club, restaurant or theater, but necessarily with your loved one. Without it, this event will be truly meaningless, and in practice – unnecessary. Let your couple be the most remarkable tonight!


On this day, your loved one will bring you a gift – completely unexpected, and it is even very possible that it will be unnecessary. Do not forget, however, to thank, otherwise the desire to surprise you will disappear for a long time, if not forever. Better a little insincerity than a lot of disappointments and tears.


Today you will be inclined to be stingy. This can apply to both work and your hard-earned money. But no one likes tight-lipped. Maybe you should try to find the golden mean, so look for an alternative that allows each person to feel their value and does not allow people to feel cheated.


Today, your loved one will not want to deal with your problems for long. For him, they will be quite simple to solve or insignificant. So don’t appeal to his conscience or pity. Better reasonedly prove that solving this question is very important for you.


During this day, you can gradually turn into a person who wants to enjoy life as much as possible. It is possible to hide your whims and biases from others, but you will not be able to deceive yourself. During this time, your inner need for love, sympathy, attention may increase. Recognition, home comfort and emotional harmony with someone, and also (if, of course, you are seriously in love), for close intimate contact with the object of your passion. This is not a bad time for carrying out confidential orders or for secret meetings.


Be patient because this is not the day when you can get your way with persistence and momentum. It is much more appropriate to apply subtle diplomacy and skillfully play on foreign weaknesses. Remind yourself more often, and this will help to overcome obstacles faster. That way, you’ll be able to simply bypass them, and you won’t have to waste your energy in vain. Disagreements with your loved one are possible, but you will manage to avoid conflicts. You will convincingly prove your rightness, avoiding reproaches, not allowing yourself insults. Your authority will grow.


Your actions will seem thoughtless and extravagant to those around you. They watch you with judgment and interest, and it cannot be said that this is the most pleasant attention. It is even more obvious that no one is willing to help you, or at least give you some useful advice. Relations with your loved one will become cooler. Today you are busy only and only with your problems, and your “half” will behave like a side person. At the same time, the day will turn out to be extremely favorable for creative activity and many of the representatives of your zodiac sign will show unexpected talents. The day will be associated with great successes in the new field.


You have a day of active communication ahead of you, which will flood you with a whole stream of news. They will burden you so much that, due to the inability to think everything through briefly, it will seem to you that the day has been wasted. The first half of the day will be more suitable for men, or for those women who have a firm character and a masculine approach to life. You should not be annoyed if your parents show undue interest in your personality. Their intentions are good, although on your part it is possible to start a scandal. Divert the conversation.

Joke of the day

A farmer’s barn burned down. The insurance company told him that instead of paying the insurance, they would build him a new barn at their own expense.
“If your practice is like this,” said the farmer, “I’m canceling my wife’s insurance!”

#Good #morning #Burgasnews

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