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Good morning! – Burgasnews – 2024-10-19 21:48:00

A wonderful day begins

A wonderful day begins!

If you insist on something, you will force fate to give way!

Daily horoscope


Today, unnecessary thoughts about the meaning of your joint existence can only disappoint you. The mind and the heart will obviously be at war, and that is why the stars advise you to listen to the heart and let the mind be silent. Today, no one asks him for anything…


The day is very suitable for internal work on yourself and for analyzing your feelings. Today’s events will leave a deep mark on your emotional state, and you will be receptive and sensitive to everything. You can rest, do work in a peaceful environment. Concussions are not desirable. In the professional sphere, you can deal with serious things, as well as conduct negotiations. Romantic relationships will be saturated with pleasant feelings.


Today, your loved one will be very vulnerable and impressionable, which will complicate the process of communicating with him quite a bit: you will have to constantly reassure him that everything will be fine, and generally give him any moral support. This will not be easy, but necessary.


Family affairs can be very complicated and involved, but this will not prevent you from taking part in them. It is possible that you will be able to solve a long-standing problem that you have been isolating for a long time. The stars have decided to fully deal with the situation in your home and family, and therefore they will give you the opportunity to act as a mediator in a complex task. Thanks to this, you will be able to persuade each person to whatever suits you. Why not use this chance to help someone heal old wounds? You want it yourself, don’t you?


On this day, you should be wary of all representatives of the opposite sex who meet your requirements for external attractiveness in general, and beauty in particular. They can even with their very existence make you think about how much your partner is the right choice for you.


You are very good at doing many things. With pleasure, you can engage in table tennis, cartography, collecting catchy phrases in foreign languages, the ability to divide the whole into equal parts, predicting the future based on the lessons of the past. … What you are best at is that you know how to maintain relationships with people who are not indifferent to you, and to use the most unusual and amazing ways for this purpose.


Sometimes changes happen slowly, and it also happens that they look like lightning and turn your whole life upside down in an instant. But all these changes happen only thanks to you, so remember this if suddenly today it seems to you that everything has become too boring. You can change anything you like if you are persistent and brave. When you enter somewhere, make sure that your visit is noticed by everyone – whether through words, actions or appearance.


Today, your loved one will not want to deal with your problems for long. For him, they will be quite simple to solve or insignificant. So don’t appeal to his conscience or pity. Better argue that solving this question is very important for you.


The conquest of the man of your dreams is coming to an end. Soon he will surrender to the mercy of the victor and you will live, as they say, long and happily. Just think: when this dream comes true, won’t you get bored of living? And maybe it’s not worth it to speed up events like that, but to conquer the impregnable heart more slowly?


You will be surrounded by inspiration that will arise from the most unexpected and surprising sources. The beautiful deep sky and captivating sounds of nature awaken the poet in you, but don’t be surprised if today you find yourself inspired by the rhythm of road traffic, or the symmetry of the ceiling in the grocery store. Your mind needs stimulation, and it finds it in everything around you. Relax and enjoy this unexpected way of looking at things.


To be able to get something from your loved one today, you will have to play on a broken record. This means that you will have to repeat the same request over and over, along with the same arguments. Yes, this will annoy him to no end, but you will achieve the effect of the drop that cuts the stone.


After the long period of turmoil and disorder, it seems to you that now, finally, you can relax a little. Dramatic changes in daily rhythm can cause some confusion, so take on a project and fill your day with routines. But the main thing to focus on is relaxation, and the kind that doesn’t involve closing in on yourself or self-training. What you need to learn is to master the art of inaction.

Joke of the day

– Mister MP, you have stolen 10 million from the budget! What would you say to your constituents?
– Excuse me!

#Good #morning #Burgasnews

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