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Good morning! – Burgasnews – 2024-10-04 21:33:01

Good morning

A wonderful day begins!

“Work on your own dreams or someone else will hire you to work on theirs” – Farrah Gray

Daily horoscope


The situation today will be very confusing and therefore you should prepare yourself. You will find yourself between two warring parties, and considering your bravery, for which you are so famous, you will undoubtedly succeed in quelling the conflict. It is possible that you will face someone’s envy or resentment, and then you should ask your friends for help, as it would be very difficult to deal with this alone.


Due to your accelerated metabolism, there is no guarantee that you will feel very comfortable today. In addition, you will be dissatisfied with some obligations in financial and business terms and as a consequence you will argue with anyone who gets in your way, but those around you will not be angry. In addition, pleasant meetings, entertainment and partying await you today. And if, despite your general disposition, something fantastic happens to you this morning, try to realize that it is not a dream, but reality.


Throughout the day, you may feel some dissatisfaction with what you have: with the size of the living space you have, with your official position or the authority you have in certain circles. Unfortunately, right now not everything you have will be able to be fulfilled, so for this reason you will have to calm down. Some of your hopes may turn out to be pointless or too original. Moreover, today is not the day when your hopes will be fulfilled by themselves. If you have a good idea in your head, don’t forget that it takes work to realize it in life as well.


From the moment you open your eyes, you will be tuned in and eager to communicate. You don’t even have to worry that you won’t find play partners for the evening, for whom it won’t matter what time they have to wake up the next day. And how about organizing an impromptu party at your home? Call the other “leader” of your company and make a plan. Then sit down by the phone, order more pizzas, and have fun.


The day is very measured and calm. Purposeful natures get what they strive for, and you, as a true representative of your zodiac sign, are truly one. There will be an opportunity to arrange relations with your new partners, and among them there may be people with whom you previously did not even count on cooperation. Relationships with loved ones will be arranged harmoniously and mutual understanding will prevail in your family. Behave in the highest degree with dignity, and with this you will earn the respect of those around you.


The day is arranged in a complicated way, but you can reduce the influence of negative trends. For this purpose, you must show selectivity and calculation in business contacts, as well as give up dubious connections and projects. Remember that a serious threat to you now is not circumstances, but people who easily make promises and also easily forget them. By getting rid of unscrupulous partners, you increase your chances of success. If you are in the process of searching for your “half”, extremely interesting acquaintances await you. New relationships will develop rapidly and will soon acquire a serious character.


Two of your acquaintances are connected with some secret, and today this will be of particular interest to you. It is possible that their acquaintance is of a professional or friendly nature, so wherever you go, keep your ears and eyes open. If you can connect the dots in the picture and make reasonable guesses, you will be able to solve this puzzle. Have fun and don’t be afraid of a healthy dose of tinkering. If you play your cards right, it will bring you victory.


The rhythm of life slows down and the day promises to be not only calm, but also pleasant. You will be able to bring some variety into your life without creating discomfort for yourself or your loved ones. The day is suitable for a visit to a museum, theater or exhibition, as you are particularly receptive to art now. You will be able to cope with the realization in life of original ideas, related to arranging the home or changing the interior. If you are shopping for this purpose, you will probably make an excellent choice.


Due to the instability of the emotional background, Sagittarius become irritable. To please the representatives of the sign is practically impossible, although their relatives often try to do this. Try to separate the important from the secondary and close your eyes to unpleasant trifles. In this way, you will make life easier not only for yourself, but also for those around you. The day will be very full. The variety of the load, which at first is pleasant to you, will turn into overtiredness at night, and it is even possible to turn into insomnia. Give up the use of alcohol and heavy food and do not test your body for endurance.


Just because everyone around you is losing their mind doesn’t mean you have to follow suit. So before you start running in circles and screaming that the sky is going to fall at any moment, take a breath and then take a good look at the situation. It is quite possible that you will realize that things are not as hopeless as those around you try to make it out to be. Once your composure prevails, others will be able to see things through your eyes.


You will feel a strong desire today to feel sorry for your loved one: to caress him, caress him and explain to him that everything will be fine, and very soon… Keep in mind that many men perceive pity as an affront to their dignity. Before giving vent to your feelings, make sure your partner doesn’t think so…


Thanks to the influx of intellectual or physical energy, you will be able to do many useful things for the family, parents, or for the development of your territory (home, family, or agricultural property). It’s definitely time for a simpler way of looking at things. So look for a cool-headed companion amid all the commotion. A little relaxation and rest with the person with whom you feel free will restore your peace of mind. The quiet coffee or even the home (“..home, home, sweet home”), can turn out to be the best ideas. When silence is not more pleasant than conversation and laughter, then you are in the right place at the right time and with the right person.

Joke of the day

A policeman stops a car.
– Didn’t you see the red light?
– Not.
– And when I played for you, didn’t you hear?
– Not.
– And when I waved the sunflower, didn’t you see?
– Not.
The policeman bursts into tears:
– Nobody needs me in this world

#Good #morning #Burgasnews

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