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Good morning! – Burgasnews – 2024-09-29 21:03:18

A wonderful day begins

A wonderful day begins!

“The wheels of justice grind slowly, but they grind fine.” – Sun Tzu

Daily horoscope


You can do everything the hard way or the easy way, depending on what kind of experience you want to gain. If you’re craving an old dose of drama, and having everyone around you roll their eyes as you whip up Oscar-worthy hysteria, you should definitely take the hard way. On the other hand, if you want to break problems down and deal with them one by one so you know how you can avoid similar situations in the future, take the easy way out.


Today, the best decisions will appear in your head spontaneously and unexpectedly. Your loved one will only be able to wonder how fast your actions were and how exactly you guessed. Consider that your intuition has worked out for you this day. And to your partner – with you…


Many of your wishes are not destined to come true, but the generous compensation of the stars will be visible changes for the better in your personal life. If you are in love, focus on your relationship with the chosen one. Let your approach to existing problems be serious, and you will see for yourself that they can be solved very quickly and for mutual pleasure. If you are now in the process of searching for your “half”, you should activate your actions! Seek help from friends or use modern technology, but don’t stand idly by! The financial outlook is not bright. Not only will you not get any money, but what you do have will not be spent in the best way. Don’t despair! Luck will surely smile on you if you keep your good mood until the evening.


What bothered you and caused you problems a month ago, today you will be able to do with particular ease, and even with pleasure. The credit will largely go to your loved one, even if they don’t realize it. The stars do not advise you to thank him, but you can only recognize that he is a real treasure and start treating him accordingly. Or continue.


It is today that you must finally take the decisive step that you have been unable to make up your mind for so long. If you have long wanted to break up with your loved one, start seeing a nice member of the opposite sex or offer him your hand and heart, you will not find a more suitable day.


Today you can noticeably change your personal life for the better, thanks to your intellectual level, as well as your available charm and sense of creative upsurge. Success in negotiations or in work in which you will involve others is likely. Don’t be afraid to dream – the bigger the tasks you set before yourself, the more significant the results will be. Today you can realize your most unusual and secret desires. In addition, the day is very suitable for large purchases and acquisitions.


Joyful discoveries and pleasant encounters in your personal life will await you today. You never thought that everything could turn out to be so simple. So what: grab your luck with both hands and hold on to it, because it just changed its mind, slipped away and hid in an unknown direction.


Luck just won’t be smiling on you today. To achieve the result, even the most modest, you will have to literally get out of your skin. The efforts required are colossal, and the victories achieved must be viewed under a microscope. But you can’t sit idly by either – daycare requires activity, even if it’s not efficient. This applies not only to professional life, but also to personal life. Here, the changes will be just necessary for you to feel comfortable. Therefore, use every opportunity to break the chains of everyday duties and cares to please your loved one with new sensations.


Narrow the circle of communication to a narrow family and do not let anyone into it. Today you will not feel very good in a crowded circle of communication, and it is impossible for you to bear the very thought of not being a leader. Better spend the day as a prisoner – in solitary confinement. At the same time, you will be able to devote some time to your family, and it is not superfluous.


You know very well how to achieve the set goal. You are excellent at finishing things you start, and you can easily sing a lullaby to the children so that they do not disturb the adults when they are playing cards in the other room. You are not one to give up, but sometimes you also hesitate to put off some small task until the last moment, when it can turn into something very complicated. Evaluate things.


Your life potential is lowered, and this indicates that you need a break. Just don’t think that the stars recommend complete idleness: you just don’t have to plan tiring activities for today. You can walk around the shops and it is very likely that you will make successful purchases. The day is suitable for meeting distant relatives and visiting friends. Striving to show yourself very hospitable, you will present yourself as wonderful hosts. Do not abuse alcoholic beverages, because after using them you will feel bad.


Wisdom and prudence will be very necessary for you this day when it comes to the relationship with your loved one. Otherwise, you will not be able to avoid scandals, and, as you know, they do not act favorably on love. Blame your wayward mate tomorrow, and try to put up with it today….

Joke of the day

– Does your bank grant credit against your honest word?
– Yes, of course, no problem.
– What if I don’t return the money?
– You will be ashamed and blush when you appear before the Most High.
– Well, who knows when that will happen…
– Up to three days after the refund deadline.

#Good #morning #Burgasnews

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