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Good morning! – Burgasnews – 2024-09-22 21:32:38


A wonderful day begins!

We only really breathe where we lose our breath!

Daily horoscope


During this day you will feel quite tired, so it is not recommended to make appointments. The expectations of your loved one will not be met. But, in truth, arguments like: My head hurts” won’t be of much use to you…


This day is not particularly interesting for you. Neither will he discover new perspectives, nor will he be marked by any serious problems. Calmly deal with previously started work, put order in documents and check other people’s calculations with your usual accuracy. If you are in a managerial position, monitor the work of your subordinates very carefully. Communicating with you will give many people a sense of calmness and mental comfort, and therefore it is no wonder that you will attract a wide variety of people. In the evening you will feel that you have lost quite a bit of vital energy. Go to bed earlier so you can replenish your energy reserves.


Today, be careful and do not rush when you have to make any decision concerning the sphere of tender feelings. You can be very wrong in assessing someone’s attitude towards you and as a result get into a very stupid and terribly awkward situation. It is better to demonstrate calmness and equanimity in everything. You should not think that in this way you are missing the one and only moment for explanation – it has not yet occurred.


The day is suitable for communication with superiors and for discussing current tasks. You will be able to express your opinion and justify it, citing reasonable facts and arguments. New ideas may arise in the morning, but you should give up developing them that day. The time is suitable for intellectual work, as well as communication and literary creation. A friend may confide in you a secret.


During this day, try to be more attentive to the problems of your loved one’s friends. It is very likely that you are the person who can solve them. Friends are very dear people to him, and if you stand close to them, he will appreciate you more and more strongly.


In the professional sphere, the influence of positive trends prevails, giving you the opportunity to achieve great success. Today you will be able to cope with even the most complex tasks without resorting to someone’s help. You will have freedom of action and independence if you are dealing with projects that require a creative approach. Joining efforts is always appropriate, but only in everyday work. Unfortunately, in the personal sphere the adverse influences are very strong. You will become suspicious and irritable, and sometimes you will behave defiantly and frankly intolerable. It will be difficult for your loved ones…


This day you will have to devote yourself to the most unpleasant way of communicating – you will have to justify yourself. It doesn’t matter if you did something reprehensible or not – your guilt will be declared obvious and you will have no choice but to admit it and try to explain your behavior. Good luck!…


Your loved one will want to give you some valuable advice today, and you will constantly have the feeling that you don’t need it. After all, before you do anything, it’s better to first listen to what he has to say. It might actually work out for you.


Your relatives feel a lack of attention, so give them as much time as possible. Encouraging financial receipts are looming for today. Everything would be fine, but for now it’s only at the “projects” level. During the first half of the day, it will be difficult for you to “switch on” to work mode. You must first wake up well enough and concentrate. The advice of the stars is to avoid vanity, not to talk too much, and to save your energy. It would be nice if you could get some rest.


Your loved one probably has a sweet addiction, with no binding hobby or poignant attachment to something. For example, he collects pink elephants, or he can’t just walk past a chocolate shop. Give him a new figurine for his collection today or treat him to something sweet! Making a person happy is not difficult at all…


For Aquarians, problems of a delicate nature are likely today. It is not excluded that you will be “attacked” by guests, and you will not have anything to treat them with, or at the moment you will not feel like it at all. Don’t worry and offer them what you have! In a creative account, no one obliges you to spend extra to show hospitality. And don’t blame your innocent spouse for this…


Today, your loved one will do something so unexpected that you will only be able to look at him with huge amazed eyes. The stars really want to believe that the mentioned thing will be extremely pleasant, joyful and satisfying for you.

Joke of the day

A huge lady enters the underwear store and turns to the saleswoman:
– I would like to see thongs like me.
The saleswoman muttered:
– I would also like to see that.

#Good #morning #Burgasnews

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