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Good morning! – Burgasnews – 2024-09-10 21:01:01

A wonderful day begins!

A wonderful day begins!

If you realize how powerful your thoughts are, you will never think negatively!

Daily horoscope


If you have long wanted to start a work romance, today is the most suitable day for it. Try to do everything possible so that the budding relationship does not harm either you or your possible loved one, and what is happening does not compromise anyone.


The day is quite controversial, connected with tests of “reliability” and a check for the soundness of feelings. It must be said that you can cope with all difficulties if you do not lose confidence in yourself, and hold on to a very important victory. Be prepared for changes in your usual way of life and the normal course of events. You will probably receive a reward for past (long-ago) merits. If you are busy with some large-scale and complex works, stock up on patience. This is not the day when colossal results can be achieved by making a desperate push. Constant efforts and confident movement forward will help you achieve what you want.


Today you may remember what the ancient priests in the Egyptian temples did, for example! And it would be best to follow them and look at the stars! The starry sky will calm you down, bring you closer and set you up for romantic thoughts of the beautiful. For this purpose, you can even organize a visit to the Planetarium.


Nothing clears the mind like a day clear of problems, and today is proving to be just that. Congratulations! It’s one of those quiet days when you feel pleasure and satisfaction with what’s happening, and you don’t put any effort into it. Strangers easily become your friends, and no one gets on your nerves. Even if someone gets in line right in front of you, or takes the last possible parking spot, you will take it quite calmly, and even with a smile. This upbeat mood will cheer others up and “open” your mind to new and interesting ideas.


During this day, you will obviously feel like flirting with someone. At the same time, the existence of your permanent loved one will not be an obstacle at all: after all, it is not a question of infidelity, but only a light flirtation – a kind of training of one’s own attractiveness and irresistibility. Let’s hope he understands this!…


For this day, the most important thing is to do everything with ease and speak without straining. This also applies to love affairs. Anything that brings pleasure shows that it is right. If things are “on the contrary”, you should think about the expediency of this action. Maybe you can somehow get by without it?…


Today you will be inclined to be stingy. This can apply to both work and your hard-earned money. But no one likes tight-lipped. Maybe you should try to find the golden mean, so look for an alternative that allows each person to feel their value and does not allow people to feel cheated.


You are a practical and down-to-earth person – no one disputes that. But you are also very spiritual and able to see deep meaning in the everyday things that surround you. For you, the building is not just a construction of building materials and glass. For you, it is also an expression of human ambitions, creativity and fear of death. Such a way of thinking will enable you to see the true essence of everything you look at.


Life is in full swing! Sometimes you allow yourself to go to extremes, but given your impulsiveness, it’s surprising that you haven’t gone further. It’s time to sit down and get creative with normal planning for a normal and stable budget that you can stick to. Come on stop giggling! You can do this. Also, aren’t you trying to set aside something for the summer vacation?


The key to the problems that arise today unexpectedly and seemingly by chance lies in the past. Today’s difficulties are a kind of payment for long ago mistakes and unfinished works. So be prepared for some hindsight, and a pretty critical one at that. Without it, you will not be able to change the situation. It wouldn’t hurt to listen carefully to people who tell the truth straight to the face, even if it is unpleasant. You will learn something very important from them. Personal relationships will seem to die down today, and both you and your loved ones will be afraid of changes, the approach of which is obvious. Remember that it is not in your power to stop time, and do not waste time.


Your love today will help your loved one to change for the better, and quite visibly. But after a while, he may very much regret that he listened to you and decided to change. Remember that an action force has an equal and oppositely directed reaction force.


Today for you will pass in constant movement and in search of something or someone. Maybe happiness? The successful outcome of this event will entirely and completely depend on whether your loved one will share your mood and become your companion. If the answer is “yes”, then you are on a horse!

Joke of the day

A group of Roma go to the National Assembly and start chanting.
– We want, we want, we want…
A politician comes out and asks them what they want.
– Well, father, whatever you give…

#Good #morning #Burgasnews

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