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Good morning! – Burgasnews – 2024-08-31 21:47:13

Good morning

A wonderful day begins!

The most important thing you need is a breath of air. It all begins and ends with her and the pounding of the heart. Give thanks for the little things because they are everything.

Daily horoscope


This day will be associated with pleasant friendly meetings, rest and good company. You will be a welcome guest everywhere, as you are cheerful and bring with you a good mood. You may choose gifts for your loved ones, but it will be difficult for you to know who will like what. A favorable emotional background will not only provide you with mental comfort, but will also help you find a common language with the people around you. The day is related to the settlement of important relationships for you, but in order to achieve this, you will have to make serious efforts.


The day is very suitable for internal work on yourself and for analyzing your feelings. Today’s events will leave a deep mark on your emotional state, and you will be receptive and sensitive to everything. You can rest, do work in a peaceful environment. Concussions are not desirable. In the professional sphere, you can deal with serious things, as well as conduct negotiations. Romantic relationships will be saturated with pleasant feelings.


Are you ready to shake off your experiences and prepare for a journey? If your answer is yes, that’s just great, because after recent events, you’ve earned it. That doesn’t mean you should jump at every opportunity for adventure, especially if you have work to do before you leave. But you should know that it will be good for everyone if you discard all doubts and unjustified feelings of guilt. Stop beating yourself up and keep moving forward.


It will be much easier to do general routine work if you have a clear plan of action in place early in the morning. You may change it in some part, taking into account the situation or the needs of the people around you, but in no case do not deviate from the main course! In contacts with residents of other cities or from abroad, i.e. with carriers of a different worldview, foreign to you, keep some distance for your own safety. The day is good for a walk in nature (albeit for a short time), as well as for taking care of pets.


Today is an example of a wonderful balance between entertainment and thought-provoking concepts. Throughout the day you will experience a mixture of paces and energies – no extremes, so don’t get excited about extreme rides. Your mood will be very balanced, and this will help others feel more confident in the decisions you make. Critically review your day and assess the changes you need to make soon.


Don’t be too serious – this day presents a series of ridiculous accidents that can only be laughed at. It is best to indulge in relaxation and not to sit in front of the TV: fresh air and physical exercise will benefit you. You may meet old acquaintances, which will only strengthen previous sympathies. You will quickly be able to deal with your inner contradictions and reach mental balance. You will spend the evening in a great mood.


It cannot be said that a big and independent person like you constantly needs someone to hold his hand. As an independent person, you have chosen your own path, and walking on it you feel comfortable enough. No one you know is able to understand your reality, but don’t let this fact disappoint and embitter you. When you rely on your own faith, you become more and more happy that you chose this path.


You may get the feeling that someone liked what you own. Keep an eye on your possessions, and even more so on your ideas. Someone has noticed the way you work, started watching you, and wants to buy off your methods. This watcher is quietly creeping into your territory, but you’ve gone to great lengths to fence off your personal space, and now you’re not letting outsiders intrude. Protect yours with all your might.


The conquest of the man of your dreams is coming to an end. Soon he will surrender to the mercy of the victor and you will live, as they say, long and happily. Just think: when this dream comes true, won’t you get bored of living? And maybe it’s not worth it to speed up events like that, but to conquer the impregnable heart more slowly?


During this day, important and significant events may happen around you, but they do not have to affect you directly. It is very likely that you will have to rely on the success of your friends and relatives, or take advantage of their support and patronage. The time is suitable for acquaintance with popular personalities with the aim of general broadening of horizons. A short educational trip is possible. You can expect the greatest success in unusual directions.


If you’ve been wanting to tell your partner everything you think about her for a long time, do it now. So, when is the next time? But it will be best if you refrain from sharp wording, because otherwise you can completely slop things.


It is best to spend today in the company of good friends. In time, you will be glad to remember it. Moreover, the behavior of your loved one today will not be as logical as you would like and will hardly fit into your idea of ​​how the ideal representative of the opposite sex should behave. Give in to the emotion and everything will be fine.

Joke of the day

Shooting stars… Son-in-law and mother-in-law make wishes.
The son-in-law made up his mind, the mother-in-law failed…

#Good #morning #Burgasnews

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