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Good morning! – Burgasnews – 2024-08-30 21:23:32

Today it will rain in places

A wonderful day begins!

Man is a strange creature. His whole life is a miracle, and he doesn’t exactly believe in miracles…

Daily horoscope


During this day, your loved one will not understand jokes, or will be very strange and incomprehensible. You will have to be as serious and precise as possible in expressing your thoughts and desires. Otherwise, you may actually not get along and part with a sense of slight mutual misunderstanding.


The day is suitable for speeches in front of others on the subject of love and money. Today, those around you will be ready to follow you and listen carefully. At work, you may raise the topic of money – very generous bonuses from the management are not excluded, and you may also make plans for a longer term. In relations with the opposite sex, you can expect great passion and dedication, and feelings will be manifested brightly and richly.


Don’t look back. Today you will have no use for nostalgia and meetings with the past, and the pain and disappointment in life is already enough for you. Live for today, and if it’s not to your heart’s content, live for tomorrow. Let your true love warm you, not the memories of the past.


Today it will be quite difficult for you to “stay afloat” and to understand something. The only straw you can grasp at will be your loved one. But don’t get carried away – the straw is hardly the most reliable support and protection.


Lions will have reason to be proud. Today, the representatives of the sign will be able to cope with complex tasks, which many will not be able to do. It is nice that your achievements will not go unnoticed. You can count on praise from people whose opinion is very important to you, as well as material encouragement. To win the sympathy of new acquaintances, you will have to prove yourself selfless and show that you are capable of noble deeds. Today you may start a relationship that will play a serious role in your life.


It is imperative for you to be cautious today with your significant other. It is very likely that he will arrange a small “event” with friends, counting on being away from home for the whole day. In addition, the stars advise you not to get excited on this occasion. Friends are not in the course of your family affairs, and therefore the likelihood of unnecessary gossip is excluded.


During this day, only two opinions will exist for you – yours and the incorrect one. And, of course, you’ll convince your loved one to share yours because it’s the right thing to do. But your view of the world may be quite seriously different from his, and this may be the reason for all your attempts to end in failure.


The day is completely favorable for both work and rest. Try to make an action plan in advance, listening to your own intuition, and not to the talk from the side. By following the chosen line of conduct, you will be able to bypass many pitfalls towards which detractors would push you. You have a chance to put order in your financial affairs and be happy about a returned old debt, and partners whose loyalty you have reasons to doubt will still fulfill the commitments. You can discuss important issues with people you genuinely respect. Even those who have almost unlimited life experience will listen to your opinion. But if you deal with self-confident, but devoid of wisdom and common sense individuals, it will be extremely unpleasant and things may come to serious quarrels and complete termination of relations.


You have something to lose today. The stars are very hopeful that it will be some small coin or something completely insignificant or unnecessary. Because theoretically you can lose everything, even love or your loved one. Be careful!


It will be quite difficult for you today to maintain the level of communication accepted in the company you will be in. Don’t try to make yourself look better than you are because that will backfire.


Today, your loved one will tend to misunderstand your words. Even his conclusions will be so illogical and unexpected that you will remain speechless and stunned by his ability to turn a fly into an elephant, and vice versa. And even to try to discover long-discovered things…


Serious and responsible work awaits you today. First of all – over yourself. The point is that your inner world needs significant repair and fixing, as long as what you have now does not satisfy the requirements of your loved one, as well as the requirements of the current situation.

Joke of the day

– Honey, where is the brandy for guests?
– We are all “guests” of this WORLD!…

#Good #morning #Burgasnews

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