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Good morning! – Burgasnews – 2024-08-16 21:37:30

Good morning

A wonderful day begins!

“Everyone wants to live on top of the mountain, but all the happiness and growth happens while you’re climbing up to it.”

— Andy Rooney

Daily horoscope


Today you should not rely too much on your charm and ability to convince your loved one of anything with the help of just one dazzling smile. Such a weapon is unlikely to work on this day. Arguments and arguments will be more reliable. By the way, if you add a smile to them…


You can solve property and financial problems quickly, deftly and gracefully. Your ability to come out of difficult situations with dignity will be the envy of many more experienced colleagues and acquaintances. There will be opportunities to find new like-minded people, and very influential ones, and together with them you will be able to achieve great success. You are pleased with the stability of the emotional background: even not quite small difficulties will not prevent you from maintaining a calm and friendly mood. It is best to arrange all combs, regardless of their nature, outside of your home. You could really use some variety.


Throw out of your head absolutely everything that does not relate to the family. Even the shadow of a thought about work or, what is more terrible – about an evening spent in a close friendly company and in the absence of the husband, will be punished immediately and mercilessly. It is not advisable to take any chances.


Not only will the day not be bad for you, but even in the little things it will go your way. For significant events, the circumstances will not be so favorable, but you will have the opportunity to postpone the more important things. You will effortlessly receive help and support not only from your close people, but also from very recent acquaintances. Your life potential is high and your self-esteem will be very good. The second half of the day is a good time for purchases, and there will be no problems with the proper use of available funds.


Today, the probability of “infecting” your loved one with love for something dear to you is greater than ever. It is unknown why on this particular day he will be particularly receptive to your rapturous exhortations. And it’s not even that bad: common interests have the important property of bringing together already close people.


Since you doubt the correctness of decisions already made, you will spend much of the day thinking about what opportunities were missed and what facts were left unspecified. This activity will turn out to be extremely unproductive and you will waste your time in vain, which you could use for many useful things. In practice, this day is much more suitable for active activity, and from the morning, set yourself up for effective work. You’ll have allies in the late afternoon, and that’s when you’ll need them the most.


In any work that you will deal with during this day, it is desirable to show precision and discipline. Keep your emotions under control, because otherwise they will influence important decisions too much (business, professional). The day is unfavorable for professional and business negotiations. You may have difficulty solving financial issues. In case of problems, do not try to take advantage of the protection of relatives or take someone under your protection. Mistrust on the part of superiors is possible. You may feel a little unwell in the evening.


Today you will sharpen your teeth and get old to show them off to everyone, including your loved one (on the road). Of course, it is very important to have your own opinion on every matter, as well as direct behavior and extravagant style, but about your closest person and the fact that he may be ashamed because of you, you also need to think…


Something unexpected will happen to you today, which will greatly affect your personal life. It is possible that the changes will be minor, but the events that will follow them will be stunning and amazing. Be careful not to make a mistake when choosing a behavior strategy!


Your mood will be changeable today. Your emotions will be too much and you risk getting involved in your own feelings. Avoid spontaneous decisions. Instead of a positive result, disappointment may await you. Therefore, it is useful to trust your intuition, especially in financial matters. When communicating with relatives and friends, problems are likely, so express your claims and objections directly.


You will feel a strong desire today to feel sorry for your loved one: to caress him, caress him and explain to him that everything will be fine, and very soon… Keep in mind that many men perceive pity as an affront to their dignity. Before giving vent to your feelings, make sure your partner doesn’t think so…


Today you will not have to explain to your loved one why you are going to act in this or that way, or why you want this or that from him. He himself will understand the situation perfectly and will act exactly as you have dreamed. That is why the stars recommend you to appreciate the moment.

Joke of the day

– Dad, where did I come from?
“We found you in the cabbage.”
– And our brother?
– In the potatoes.
– And poop?
– In the tomatoes.
– Dad, did you drag Mom all over the garden?

#Good #morning #Burgasnews

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