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Good morning! – Burgasnews – 2024-05-11 21:56:43

A great day to smile!

A wonderful day begins!

“Happiness doesn’t mean you have everything. It means that the things you have are more important than the things you wish you had.”

Daily horoscope


If there is a chance to negotiate “face to face” or you are asked to make an experimental presentation, seize the idea. With incredible ease, you can solve these questions, and at the same time look great. You have a gift for connecting with people, while being able to be assertive and charming at the same time. This is definitely a winning combination. Today is simply an excellent day to pursue your goals.


Focusing on solving financial issues, Taurus will find a way to significantly improve their situation. But money is not all you need to think about now. Personal relationships deserve no less attention: they indicate changes for which you must prepare. It is also worth thinking about what your professional prospects are, since today you will have a real opportunity to evaluate them. By understanding what’s holding you back from making a career, you’re likely to find a way to remove that pesky obstacle.


Today, be careful and do not rush when you have to make any decision concerning the sphere of tender feelings. You can be very wrong in assessing someone’s attitude towards you and as a result you can end up in a very stupid and terribly awkward situation. It is better to demonstrate calmness and equanimity in everything. You should not think that in this way you are missing the one and only moment for explanation – it has not yet occurred.


The day is associated with financial losses. Refrain from making money-related decisions and also from rash acquisitions or entering into questionable deals. Be prepared to change your plans regarding personal or family property. The prospects at work are not bad, and you will be able to impose yourself on the rivals, as well as to push your idea magnificently. In the personal sphere, circumstances will arrange themselves very favorably. There is no possibility of serious changes, only a few joys and surprises. It is possible to arrange for a successful trip.


A rather complicated decision awaits you, although you feel that you are not yet ready for it. Unfortunately, no one will start waiting for you! If you delay the decision today, there is a lot to regret about it in the future. Your task is to listen to your inner voice in time, and intuition is the one that will tell you what needs to be done. The day is very suitable for resolving financial and property disagreements, including intra-family ones. You will be able to reconcile the warring parties, as well as create a comfortable atmosphere for communication.


You’ve done all you can. You know perfectly well that there is nothing more you can do to resolve the given conflict. Your partner is also aware of this. You need a third force, which, interfering in the happening events, will change something. It is possible that this is not in the best direction for you… This will happen today. Be ready for anything.


Today you will be inclined to be stingy. This can apply to both work and your hard-earned money. But no one likes tight-lipped. Maybe you should try to find the golden mean, so look for an alternative that allows each person to feel their value and does not allow people to feel cheated.


It is not worth relying too much on the help of your loved one today: it will be more like a disservice than real assistance. So if he suddenly asks you the sacred question: “Should I help you or should I not hinder you?” it would be best to answer him: “Don’t bother me!”.


You have been postponing this business deal because it was the only sensible strategy for the time being. Now it’s time for your wait to end and you must put an end to what has been a dead end. Now your hard work will start paying off. And although at first you live exclusively with the excitement of the present moment, lately you have been able to think about the future as well, which will definitely bear fruit. Be aggressive, but put your corporate charm into play.


The day promises to be a success in practically every way. The need to become more disciplined, restrained and economical will not seem unusual to you, and will completely agree with some of the main traits of your character. Issues related to higher education or correcting the worldview and maintaining authority among the near and far environment will gain additional importance. You will easily reconcile your ideals with the current reality. It would be best not to make new plans today.


Today you will be able to devote time to your personal desires and preferences. Feelings for new acquaintances may erupt, and romantic relationships may begin. You will be sensitive and emotional today. In work, you can be guided by older and more experienced colleagues. The evening is suitable for meetings with friends and for interesting conversations.


Is there a superior figure who causes you dislike? You won’t have to meet this person today. He may continue to get on your nerves, but only if you let him. Don’t let him! Take a day off and enjoy the company of the people you love, then come back to work with a radically changed attitude. If others can do it, so can you.

Source: https://lamqta.com/

Joke of the day

In the Labor Office:
– Looking for work.
– What are you good at?
– Nothing.
– All seats in the National Assembly are occupied. Try as a football coach.

#Good #morning #Burgasnews

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