Home » News » Good morning! – Burgasnews – 2024-04-30 21:31:39

Good morning! – Burgasnews – 2024-04-30 21:31:39

A wonderful day begins

Good morning on Monday 01.05.2023.

The weather

The temperature will be between 13 and 15 degrees. It will be cloudy and rainy. The wind will blow from the northeast at a speed of 8 m/s.

Lucky of the day

“If you really want to succeed, you will never give up, no matter how hard it is.”


The Day of Labor and International Workers’ Solidarity is celebrated annually on May 1 and is one of the official holidays in Bulgaria. On this date, many countries around the world celebrate the social and economic achievements of the labor movement.

The beginning of the holiday is associated with the international socialist movement in the 19th century and workers’ protests for the respect of basic social rights. It began on May 1, 1886, in the United States, when unions held an unofficial national strike involving over 300,000 workers across the country demanding an official 8-hour workday.

After three days of protests in Chicago, police and private security guards dispersed the protesters, injuring about 200 people and killing at least four. On May 4, during the ensuing protest against police brutality, a bomb was thrown into the police, killing one officer and injuring six others.

Seven anarchists were summarily convicted and executed, later acquitted.


You should not rely too much on your loved one today, even if he is very responsible and reliable. Let everything that can depend on you really depend only on you, because otherwise there will be a high probability that you will make a mistake and the result will not be the one you would like.


On this day, music will help you and your loved one feel as one. The main thing is that the music is chosen correctly, taking into account your mood and desires. This powerful weapon should be treated with care and caution.


Today you will be given the opportunity to polish your public image a little. This, of course, will happen if you are ready to find yourself in the center of events. Are you ready for such a warm-up? If you’re flexible and ready for anything, you’re ready for the limelight. Be guided by your adventurous spirit to gain new experiences and new sensations. High-level energies circulate around you. They will cheer you up and relieve you of excess tension.


You need to be very careful and cautious, as the stars warn of a high probability of failures and losses. Avoid risk and do not seek strong sensations, but only show initiative when you cannot do without it. Both in business and in personal relationships, you need to be guided by common sense. Unfortunately, you tend to take wishful thinking, follow your emotions and make unfulfilled promises, all of which will have very unpleasant consequences. At the end of the day, exhaustion and insomnia are not excluded.


At the most unexpected moment, a sudden outburst of anger can change the course of a conversation that began in a calm and benevolent tone. Therefore, if you want to fix everything, show more tact and diplomacy to calm all participants in the conversation. So try to explain in detail what you actually meant. You will be able to steer things in the right direction, and the heavens are very positively disposed towards you.


Today, your loved one will want to somehow explain your behavior, impose it in the usual scheme and certify it with your signature or stamp. Yes, you guessed it right! After all, the probability that he will not guess is too great, and therefore you should seriously think about whether you approve of his conclusions.


Bring everything you’ve been working on for the past few months to a logical end. Today is the best day to finish a few things and enjoy the creation of your hands. There will truly be something to enjoy.


You are a practical and down-to-earth person – no one disputes that. But you are also very spiritual and able to see deep meaning in the everyday things that surround you. For you, the building is not just a construction of building materials and glass. For you, it is also an expression of human ambitions, creativity and fear of death. Such a way of thinking will enable you to see the true essence of everything you look at.


Wonderful family and romantic relationships will create a platform for raising your self-esteem and mood, but you should not be careless and impose your opinion on others. Your best character qualities will bring you success in professional work and business.


An unexpected notification will make you abandon your plans. Try to show wisdom and endurance by trusting your intuition, and don’t be afraid to stand up for your interests. Your business acumen will be appreciated. Expect an offer to take on a new job or an unexpected project. Today you will be able to solve important family issues, as well as create favorable conditions for the further development of relationships that play an important role in your life. Make sure your home is nice and cozy. Small things that disrupt your domestic harmony can greatly irritate you.


Today it will seem to you that your loved one has finally understood what you want from him and also from life. But this may turn out to be an impression. The stars recommend not to relax, but just in case to explain things one more time – slowly and comprehensibly. This will be a sort of control shot.


Stop holding the object of your affection hostage to your feelings for him. If you have already managed to open his eyes to the fact that he is not indifferent to you, tell him once more: it may not be convenient for you, but he is not indifferent. It won’t be that hard for you.

What to read

Watch from beyond

Anna Kabanova

‌Kalina is a student in the twelfth grade, but she has experienced a real apocalypse in her life – her father and brother are killed in unclear circumstances, and her mother enters an insane asylum. Not only that, but also at school her classmates bully her because of love stories, and her boyfriend prefers someone else and dumps her.

The main character vows that one day she will find the hateful killers of the people close to her and take her life in her hands. But lately strange things have been happening – she receives a note threatening her own life and someone is constantly following her.

Until one night he sees his flesh and blood brother! The one she buried three months ago.

A joke

Two roommates lived harmoniously.

One is slow, the other is nervous.

The nervous man decided to relax his nerves and went to soak in the bath.

Some time passed and the janitor came in without knocking, scooped a spoonful of water from the bath and went out.

After 10 minutes he went in again and rowed water again.

– What are you asking, kukundel? – the nervous man glared and slammed the door behind him.

After 10 minutes, she enters again with the spoon.

– Hello, HOUSTON, what’s your problem bro? Already jumped nervously.

And the slow-witted man, shaking his head rhythmically, chirped:

-Tra La La La Liii…. The house is burning!

Now smile! A wonderful day begins!

#Good #morning #Burgasnews

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