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Good morning! – Burgasnews – 2024-04-19 21:35:20

A wonderful day begins

Good morning on Saturday 20.04.2024.

The weather

The temperature will be between 9 and 12 degrees. It will be cloudy with rain. The wind will be moderate from the north at a speed of 6 m/s.

Lucky of the day

“Happiness is nothing more than good health and a bad memory.”

Mark Twain


We are celebrating 147 years since the April Uprising – it is believed that this uprising was the turning point on the way to freeing Bulgaria from Turkish slavery. It all begins on April 14 (old style), when a meeting in the Oborishte area decides on a nationwide uprising.

Organizers are Georgi Benkovski, Panayot Volov, Georgi Ikonomov, Zahari Stoyanov, Todor Kableshkov, Vasil Petleshkov, Pavel Bobekov and others.

Thus, on April 20, Kableshkov announced the uprising, taking over the inn in Koprivshtitsa. It is known that on that day the church bells rang, and from all the streets of the city came rioters dressed in uniforms.

Immediately after the capture of Koprivshtitsa, Todor Kableshkov drew up the famous “Bloody Letter”, with which he informed the apostles in Panagyurishte that the uprising had begun. In response, Panagyurishte got up the same day after noon.

Power there passed into the hands of a military council or Bulgarian Provisional Government, headed by Pavel Bobekov. On April 22, they solemnly consecrate the flag of the uprising, made by the teacher Raina Popgeorgieva. After nearly a month, the April Uprising was drowned in blood.

More than 30,000 people died, but their lives were not lost in vain – their sacrifice attracted the attention of the world. The greatest minds of that time, such as Victor Hugo, Charles Darwin, Oscar Wilde, Leo Tolstoy, Dostoyevsky and many others raised their voices in defense of the Bulgarian cause.

This gave Russia an opportunity to actively intervene in the solution of the Eastern Question, and on April 12, 1877, the Russian state declared war on the Turkish Empire, which ended slavery in Bulgaria on March 3, 1878, with the signing of the San Stefano Peace Treaty contract.

International Free Press Day.


Manic depressions intensify, pay attention to loved ones with problems. A day of invocation, the channels to other worlds are open. Dating is easy, there will be a peak in births as well. Whatever is started will be successful, you can expect a glamorous career, success in public and personal appearances, invitations and guest appearances.

Exercise physically, don’t stay in front of the computer for a long time, take care of your eyes. If you combine your efforts with those of more ambitious friends and relatives, you will achieve a quick result and success.


It seems your problems are much more serious than you think. You probably won’t get through here with a quick kiss on the cheek and the word “sorry”. You will have to take more decisive and cardinal measures. Today is an extremely suitable day for general reflection. And even to start implementing what you have agreed upon or have a common opinion on.


A wonderful time for learning, but also for writing, teaching and lecturing activities, as well as for entering a university. There are quite a few preliminary entrance exams… The period is also favorable for exchange and international cooperation. Harmonious relationships in the family and with loved ones await you.


Today, those around you will impose their ideas and thoughts on you. You will have to act according to someone else’s scenario and you will not think much about the meaning of what is happening. For today, it is recommended to accept only those offers from which not only you, but also your relatives can profit.

The day will be successful for new acquaintances, romantic meetings and love relationships. For everything else, slow down, and try to take stock of it all. That’s what you’ve achieved lately.


Today, someone will appear in your life who will become serious competition for your loved one. It is possible that his eyes will be blue or he will be simply more sensitive to your moods, or he will have a remarkable sense of humor. The stars do not recommend you to rush the choice: you have a lot of time to think…


Today you will actively communicate with your loved one and make joint plans. Ideas for traveling abroad will appear. Your health may not be very stable today due to nervous tension and many experiences. Try to treat everything calmly. Keep in mind only favorable options for the development of events. It is not bad to turn to consultants and a doctor.


This day you will have to dedicate yourself to the not-the-most-pleasant way of communicating – you will have to justify yourself. It doesn’t matter if you did something reprehensible or not – your guilt will be declared obvious and you will have no choice but to admit it and try to explain your behavior. Good luck!…


The day is completely favorable for both work and rest. Try to make an action plan in advance, listening to your own intuition, and not to the talk from the side.

By following the chosen line of conduct, you will be able to bypass many pitfalls towards which detractors would push you. You have a chance to put order in your financial affairs and be happy about a returned old debt, and partners whose loyalty you have reasons to doubt will still fulfill the commitments.

You can discuss important issues with people you genuinely respect. Even those who have almost unlimited life experience will listen to your opinion. But if you deal with self-confident, but devoid of wisdom and common sense individuals, it will be extremely unpleasant and things may come to serious quarrels and complete termination of relations.


This is precisely what habits are like because you are used to performing certain actions. It can be the abuse of coffee, constant dating or constantly missing sports training. It’s time to take concrete actions and try to get rid of at least one of your habits, which do not benefit you at all. Declare war on them!


It is not desirable to make plans and take up new and unfamiliar work. If you start any activity, you will most likely start repeating old mistakes, thinking that you are striving for progress and originality. In this way, your independence is also reduced. Allowing yourself too much freedom, you will quickly begin to imitate others, copy the behavior of your idols, and even take revenge for the previous actions of your enemies. Reliability and constancy will not be your distinguishing features during this day


Today, like never before, you need stimulation, and you can find it in new sensations, new music, culture, cinema, film or food. New impressions will help you get rid of old thoughts and make room for new ideas. So look for something that you haven’t thought of before or haven’t had the chance to try. This also applies to people who can inspire you to do something extraordinary. Find the source of their motives and actions by asking leading questions. This can lead you down a whole new path.


This day will be quite successful for Pisces. The stars advise the representatives of the sign to rely only on their own strength, without expecting help from others. The more independent you are in your thinking and actions, the better. Your financial situation will improve. In the meantime, you will receive expected payments, and it is possible to return old debts. You will handle family tasks easily and casually, and your relatives will support you. A suitable day for active rest.

What to read

To steal the Mona Lisa

The Mysterious Mona Lisa, painted more than six centuries ago by Leonardo da Vinci, continues to captivate the minds and imaginations of specialists and amateurs – to obsession, to madness, to reckless crime… In 1911, the masterpiece was stolen from the Louvre and disappeared from the eyes of the world for two years. Many speculate that the painting returned to the museum is a flawless forgery, indistinguishable from the original. What is the truth?

In his novelized view of history Jonathan Santlofer introduces us to Luc Perrone, the great-grandson of the thief Vincenzo Perugia. In Florence, Luke embarks on a spontaneous adventure following the trail of his most famous relative. However, he is not the only one who sets out to unravel the mystery, and he will soon learn that he has become involved in a dangerous game.

“Stealing the Mona Lisa” reveals to us that the art world often protects the interests of powerful and unscrupulous people, ready to do anything to get hold of the one and only original. Price doesn’t matter. Nor the corpses on the road.

A joke

So… I put the summer tires on. Now I’m going to chop wood for the stove.

Now smile! A wonderful day begins!

#Good #morning #Burgasnews

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