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Good morning! – Burgasnews – 2024-04-14 21:17:13

A wonderful day begins

Good morning on Monday 15.04.2024.

The weather

The temperature will be between 14 and 27 degrees. It will be mostly sunny. The wind will be semi-strong from the southwest at a speed of 8 m/s.

Lucky of the day

Don’t kill a mosquito with a sword. – Confucius


Think about the future. That is what deserves your special attention today. Small omissions, mistakes and unfinished works today will remain unnoticed, but later (and of course – at the most inopportune moment), you will definitely be reminded of them. Therefore, whatever you undertake today, try to do it flawlessly. The day turns out to be very tiring both physically and emotionally. But restoring your mental strength is not at all difficult: for this purpose, communication with family members and old friends will be beneficial.


You will be quite excited today. You will begin to doubt your closest people and become suspicious and jealous, although, in truth, not all your anxiety is without reason. Refrain from reckless actions and postpone the clarification of relations – today you can do and say something that you will regret later. The day is suitable for unplanned activities to lift your mood. Don’t demand too much of yourself. The most important thing to do is to provide yourself with positive emotions.


Today, your aspiration will be related to changes for the better in the business sphere. There is a possibility that you will receive unexpected and interesting proposals, as well as an opportunity to join a very promising project. Know that the requirements that will be placed on you will be quite complex, and therefore you will not have any opportunity to relax. But there is also good news: You are among the few people who will be able to cope with all this chaos and irritating trifles that will come your way today. Get to work faster! If it’s about patience, you’ll need it a lot in the next few days, not to mention today…


Cancers can expect a completely successful day. Today, the representatives of this sign have a chance to bring order to both their professional activities and their lives in general. They can get rid of everything superfluous, strengthen the connections they need, and skillfully set priorities. The day promises fruitful business cooperation and the conclusion of profitable deals. In the family, Cancers enjoy mutual understanding, and conflicts and serious disagreements are unlikely. For lovers, the representatives of this sign are recommended to take a trip in the company of their “half”, or to come up with an unusual entertainment “for two”. It is useful for them to change the environment, have fun and “ventilate”.


You like yourself the way you are. No, you actually love yourself, and that’s wonderful! But you also know very well that the meaning of existence is self-improvement, and today you will aim to improve your physical form. Make an adjustment to your exercises, and also to the portion and the excess and deficiency of some types of products in it. It would be nice to look up new information about the latest research on the mind-body connection. The day is wonderful for showing business activity, or for short romantic or business trips. Act!


On this day, you will very much want to convince yourself that your loved one really loves you, and does not put up with you to the last of his strength, due to innate politeness. Keep in mind that when you’re completely done with his interrogation that you’re likely to come across one of the not-so-pleasant answers.


The atmosphere of the day encourages non-standard solutions. But in order to realize this or that original intention, you will have to adhere to a certain discipline, and it is possible that you will have to sacrifice some and other possibilities. What was started yesterday will only make sense if it is completed by the end of the day. If you have a desire for entertainment, take care of technical safety early on. Love relationships promise you surprises, and not all of them will be pleasant, especially if it is about intimacy.


Obviously, today something will upset your partner so much that you will be able to see his tears for the first time in a long time. And this will probably make a strong impression on you. Bring a tissue and talk, talk, talk… Nothing soothes better than words. Just don’t raise your voice under any circumstances…


It’s all over – at least for now. The feverish activity of the workplace is now over and everything is finally falling into place. This does not mean that you will not have to use time and effort to stay above water, and your reputation will remain unsullied. But you may unexpectedly find that you have to make time for relatives and loved ones. Visit them. and be sure to receive an extremely warm welcome.


Be patient because this is not the day when you can get your way with persistence and momentum. It is much more appropriate to apply subtle diplomacy and skillfully play on foreign weaknesses. Remind yourself more often, and this will help to overcome obstacles faster. That way, you’ll be able to simply bypass them, and you won’t have to waste your energy in vain. Disagreements with your loved one are possible, but you will manage to avoid conflicts. You will convincingly prove your rightness, avoiding reproaches, not allowing yourself insults. Your authority will grow.


Today, your best friend can very strongly change your attitude towards your loved one. This is possible thanks to the phrase: “I don’t like it!” – said by him, and it could be for some other reasons. In general, today it is best not to discuss your personal life with your friends.


Pisces, you need to be more economical: the financial situation of the representatives of this sign gives cause for concern. At the same time, remember that the economy must be reasonable, otherwise the situation will develop in full accordance with the proverb about the one who takes care, and therefore pays twice. For everything else, the day promises to be calm and pleasant. Positive trends will prevail in the business and personal spheres, and luck will smile on you. You can rely on your intuition – it will not lie to you about what it tells you.

What to read


Ognyana Ivanova

“Because life is not ordered and planned, I think it should be talked about without pretense of comprehensiveness and accuracy. This book of plots for short stories could have had another title: Kaleidoscope, Dreaming and Waking, Yesterday and Tomorrow, or even Upside Down. And because every life is also sailing, I wish I didn’t miss the wish for her – to have fair winds and following seas – fair winds and calm seas.

Everything is according to the Law of the Pendulum: now to the left, now to the right. Sometimes stronger, sometimes weaker. Sometimes good, sometimes not so good. Until the pendulum stops.’

A joke

– Doctor, I’m constantly coughing.

– Have you tried any herbs?

– I tried. I smile but cough again.

Now smile! A wonderful day begins!

#Good #morning #Burgasnews

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