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Good morning! – Burgasnews – 2024-04-07 21:54:45

A wonderful day begins!

Good morning on Monday 04/08/2024.

The weather

The temperature will be between 9 and 18 degrees. It will be sunny. The wind will be moderate from the east at a speed of 7 m/s.

Lucky of the day

“A man who can defeat himself is greater than he who defeats a thousand men in battle.” – Buddha


On April 8, Roma around the world pay tribute to their victims in the Second World War. In 1992, the United Nations and the European Union, at the suggestion of the International Organization “Romano Union”, declared April 8 as International Roma Day.

Already in 1990, during the IV World Roma Congress of the International Organization “Romano Union”, a Roma anthem and flag were adopted.

The anthem is the popular song in Bulgaria as well “Jelem, jelem.”


During this day, the partner or superior may be in a bad mood, which is why he (or she) may not share your optimism and be skeptical of your plans. It is not the best time to share new proposals, speak in front of a large audience, or report to your boss.

It is not recommended to get married, clarify relations with parents, conclude official agreements (especially long-term ones), as well as conduct negotiations with lawyers, lawyers, buyers and insurance agents. If communication is unavoidable, be extremely correct.


If you intend to play the role of matchmaker, today is the best time to introduce your candidates for a nice couple and give them a chance to get to know each other. The uniqueness of each of them can provoke mutual attraction, so try to create a setting for them, to behave naturally.

Look for a place where the interlocutors can relax and feel comfortable. The presence of “live” music will be a huge plus to your activity. But it’s best not to forget that even though the preparations for starting a romantic relationship may get you very carried away, just in case, don’t get your hopes up high…


Is there anyone who, like you, knows how to experience pleasure, whether alone or in company? But at the given moment, you are set to release only positive fluids, with which you cannot help but attract an extremely large number of people to you.

Everything can end with someone approaching you who can become more than a friend. Don’t miss this guy: unusual, friendly and completely unlike the people you’re used to interacting with


Your health may not be causing you any problems, but you can’t indefinitely postpone getting your necessary medical examination. You will welcome the morning with cheerfulness and a good mood.

Try to work intensively, because this would save you from serious problems. Devote the evening to yourself – listen to music, read an interesting book. Avoid clarifying some issues with the parents of a higher to, because it could easily lead to a serious argument.


Things will be more or less normal for you this day. Exceptions can only be made for relationships with parents or your significant other. Obviously, in the coming days, you have angered them not jokingly, and now you will have to work hard before they start feeling the previous love and trust for you.


The best lessons can be learned from watching other people work together. To begin with, during a group discussion, do an experiment and keep your thoughts to yourself. Let others handle everything and watch them come to very unsatisfactory conclusions.

The joint work of these people is a vivid example of what not to do. Throughout the day, your energy will be moderate. You’ll be perfectly content watching everyone else.


If you could have known that things would turn out this way for you today, you would have taken a completely different position yesterday. But what’s done can’t be undone, so you’ll have to live with what you have. Besides, nothing will be as complicated as it seemed to you before.


Today, you will have to convince your loved one for a long time of the correctness of this or that action that you would like him to take. It is not known whether you will be able to cope with this or not, but you will have to do what you set out to do on your own. Get ready for it earlier.


Relationships with loved ones will please you today. Friends will be happy to help you in any endeavor and will support you.

It is likely to resolve a health-related problem that has been bothering you lately. Avoid mistakes with documents so that there is no confusion in the official documentation. Be more careful if you decide to work. There will be complete harmony in relations with close relatives and you can organize family events.


From the point of view of your partner, today you will be absolutely unbearable, extremely incomprehensible and very difficult to communicate. From your point of view, all this will be true only for him. . You risk spending a not-so-pleasant day together, and that’s why it’s probably better to be further away from each other.


It’s not bad, less telling about your problems to outsiders, so that you don’t have to regret your talkativeness later. Realize that no matter what trouble happens, there are always people who knew exactly what was going to happen. Discuss everything in a family circle, and the decision will come unexpectedly quickly.


To change the past is impossible, so you have to accept it and get used to it. What you did (or didn’t do) will fade in time, and that means it’s time to look forward and leave all the bad memories behind.

While you wait for all the negative emotions to subside, your patience will help you overcome the most difficult, and the people who love you will distract you from inappropriate thoughts in the best way. Meet up with friends and keep reminding yourself that you have a wonderful future ahead of you.

What to read

The Girl Who Felt Books

Desi Icardi

If one could read with one’s sense of smell, what would books smell like? The Italian writer Desi Icardi answers this question by offering not only a fascinating story full of emotions, riddles and secrets, but also tells of a love of books and a very special and extraordinary reader.

Turin, 1957. The main character Adelina has come to study in the city and lives with her aunt Amalia, a cold, shrewd and limited woman who, however, hides secrets from her past.

At school, Adelina has problems with reading and memory, until she discovers that she has an extraordinary gift: to read books in all languages ​​with her sense of smell, experiencing the emotions and impressions of previous readers. But this extraordinary talent of hers soon turns into a threat.

However, the cunning and greedy notary Vergnano, father of her best friend Luisella, will try to use the girl to decode a mysterious ancient manuscript written in an unknown language and called “The Voynich Manuscript” after its discoverer.

Faithfully, he begins courting her aunt Amalia, giving her gifts to trick her into allowing her niece Adelina a trip to New York. The owner of the manuscript lives there and keeps it in a special bank safe. As the Vergnano girl’s attempt to read the manuscript from a phototype edition fails, he devises a plan for her to gain access to the original. But this could put Adelina’s life at risk…

Written in a fascinating and exciting way, including elements of mystery, the novel is a wonderful read in the tradition of great Italian and European literature.

A joke

On the same day the daughter got her driver’s license, her father asked her to give him a ride. She agreed. Smiling broadly, he climbs into the back seat behind the driver. – Well, dad, why don’t you sit in the front, next to me? – asks the daughter. – I’ve been waiting for this moment for 15 years, since the time when you were a small child. Now it’s my turn to sit behind you and kick my feet on the seat.

Now smile! A wonderful day begins!

#Good #morning #Burgasnews

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