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Good morning! – Burgasnews – 2024-03-08 22:17:14

A wonderful day begins

Good morning on Saturday 03/09/2024.

The weather

The temperature will be between 4 and 8 degrees. It will be mostly cloudy. The wind will be moderate from the southeast at a speed of 7 m/s.

Lucky of the day

Beauty becomes a problem for a woman only in two cases: when it is not there and when there is nothing else but it. – Monica Bellucci


Today we celebrate Meat desert stew, this is the first big stew of the year. This day, which is a time for prayer and remembrance for the deceased, is always on Saturday.

The handouts that we usually give to a stew are a gesture of gratitude to those who pray for the souls of our deceased relatives and loved ones. The food we share on this day is for those of us who live on to pray for the peace of the souls of our loved ones, not for the departed themselves. Therefore, it is important to share with the people around us, no matter if they are relatives, acquaintances, friends or neighbors, and not to leave the food on the grave.

Holy Forty Martyrs (Babies)

On this day, a name day is celebrated: Mladen, Mladena, Mladenka, Gordan, Horyan, Horyanka

Information about the Holy Forty Martyrs (Infants)

On this day, the church honors the 40 soldiers from the Armenian regiment in the city of Sevastia, who, after cruel torture, died for their faith during the persecution of Christians by Emperor Licinius (IV century).


The fulfillment of professional duties will require considerable effort from you. Be ready to overcome obstacles that appear in the most unpredictable way on your way. Difficulties in communication, conflicts with partners, colleagues or managers are possible. Do not take what is happening close to your heart and try to keep calm even at times when unfounded reproaches will be directed at you. Your free time is best spent with people you have known for a long time. The thing is that new acquaintances can “spoil” you with unpleasant surprises. Romantic relationships are stable. If you have recently had a period of quarrels and disagreements, you will be able to resolve your problems.


Today you can drive everyone at home crazy and drive him on his nerves, forming a “sweet” hysteria related to the mysterious disappearance of something very important. Wait with the deployment of such an active activity, look in your bag, and look in your own pockets. The “thing” has not been lost anywhere, and you are just prone to nervousness today.


You will find yourself in a strange situation: you are filled with energy that has nowhere to direct it. You will be faced with a choice: to try to do something new, or to intervene in the complicated situation in which your friends and colleagues have got involved, and you will help them solve their problems. If you choose the first option, it is very likely that you will be disappointed. But if you go the second way, you can become a real hero for someone. Besides, you’ll be too proud of yourself.


You will have to pay special attention to a situation in your family. In the morning, you will simply have to act, and analyzing the results and thinking about further actions will have to be left for the evening. However, everything is just vanity. Today brings you a chance to clarify something very unusual about yourself.. Do not miss this moment. In the second half of the day, you will benefit from special attention. The events happening with you then will have a remarkable, almost fatal character. There is a possibility that you will meet the person who will completely change your destiny.


Attachment to parents, birthplaces, and also to the marriage partner will imperceptibly gain strength on this day. You may also feel a strong attraction to socializing with people you consider your friends and who are unusual and original personalities. Your marriage or business partner is unlikely to be inclined to complete frankness today. If their attitude towards you is good, they may quite deliberately hide some truths about life, or some circumstances of their personal life. Incentives and practice will be quite good.


Devote the day to joint walks. Walking helps you better understand each other’s feelings, and this has been proven by psychologists. This suggests that you will be able to solve all your problems, if you currently have any. And one more thing – walks are good for health


During this day, it will seem to you that the pace of your life has accelerated so much that soon 24 hours will not be enough for you to do everything you need to do. This, in turn, means that you will have much less opportunities to devote time, attention and energy to your loved one, which, in fact, is not very good. Maybe it’s worth trying to sacrifice something in the name of love?


You notice what other people don’t. The problems and their solutions, the deep meaning, the subtle hints – the feeling is that you have a real gift for looking into the very essence of things. Communicate with the people around you as much as possible and try to carefully and patiently show them what you see. Whatever it is, educate others on your findings before taking action.


You may feel that you lack the satisfaction of life. Lately, you have generously distributed your energy to be helpful or available to everyone in a row, and this has distracted you from thinking about what you lack. But today you will find out what you really lack, and you will think about the possibilities of how to get it. Very soon you will find an answer that will seem obvious and attractive enough.


Today it will be difficult for your loved one to explain to you what exactly is important to you. Maybe because this question will not seem important to you? However, try to understand why your partner is so excited about this aspect of your life, and listen to her advice…


Unexpectedly for you too, you will find yourself in the center of attention, and this will probably please you. And who wouldn’t like universal attention, compliments and pleasant recognitions? But you have to be pretentious careful: avoid provocative behavior, as the interest in your behavior may turn out to be intentional. A number of small joys await you at home: gifts from family members, pleasant surprises and simply lucky coincidences. You will have the opportunity to have great fun.


You have a successful day ahead of you, but only if you are ready not only to listen, but also to analyze the criticism directed at you. In practice, now you can make big changes in your life, and how exactly to make them, people who are aware of your weaknesses and notice not only your weaknesses, but also your mistakes, will tell you. This is not the time to show initiative in personal relationships! If you act too energetically, it will not only scare your loved ones, but also you will not notice the interesting opportunities that open up. Look within yourself for the propensity for contemplation, and give it free rein.

What to read

Even the dream is enough – poems

Emily Dickinson

During her lifetime – and without the knowledge of the poet, only seven of her poems were printed. Throughout her life, Emily Dickinson neither sought nor dreamed of fame, and she did not even allow that anyone was interested in the poetic miniature revelations she created. When she died, manuscripts of over seven hundred of her works were found, and four years later (1890) America and the rest of the world were astonished to discover that a new, significant poet had emerged.

A joke

Three women, disrespected by their husbands for the eighth of March, decided to celebrate it themselves. They couldn’t find seats in a restaurant and… shopped and went to the cemetery. They drank themselves to the brim and went home.

Their men were friends and they met the next morning. One says:

– Mine has a lover! This is the end! She brought home a bouquet of flowers!

The other:

– Ha, mine must be there too! She also brought a bouquet of flowers!

The third:

– You are easy! Mine came home with a whole wreath on which it says – “From colleagues!”

Now smile! A wonderful day begins!

#Good #morning #Burgasnews

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